Бен Ааронович

Ben Aaronovitch

  • 51 книга
  • 30 подписчиков
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Бен Ааронович - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Реки Лондона Бен Ааронович
    ISBN: 978-5-04-172734-5
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Язык: Русский

    Констебль-новобранец Питер Грант Констебль мечтает стать детективом в лондонской полиции. Получив показания от очевидца, который оказался призраком, Питер попадает в поле зрения старшего инспектора Томаса Найтингейла, отвечающего за расследование преступлений, связанных с магией и другими проявлениями сверхъестественного. Когда волна жестоких и причудливых убийств захлестывает город, Питер внезапно погружается в мир, где боги обитают рядом со смертными, а давно умершее зло и темная магия возвращаются к жизни.

  • Луна над Сохо Бен Ааронович
    ISBN: 978-5-04-180262-2
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Язык: Русский

    Меня зовут Питер Грант, и я служу констеблем в полиции Лондона. А ещë я ученик чародея — первый за последние пятьдесят лет. Мой отец — джазовая знаменитость, и я волей-неволей научился разбираться в музыке. Поэтому, когда доктор Валид пригласил меня на осмотр тела жертвы убийства, я сразу узнал звучавшую в морге мелодию — джазовый стандарт «Тело и душа». Она доносилась из трупа... Бухгалтер Сайрес Уилкинсон, саксофонист на полставки, скончался сразу после концерта. Смерть была жестокой и сверхъестественной — она оставила на теле свой загадочный след. И, хотя Уилкинсон был далеко не первой жертвой, эксгумировать трупы с целью музыкальной…

  • Шепот под землей Бен Ааронович
    ISBN: 978-5-04-186858-1
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Язык: Русский

    Меня зовут Питер Грант. Я констебль полиции, меня уважают на улицах Лондона и еще я ученик волшебника. Работаю в девятом отделе по расследованию экономических преступлений, известном как «Безумство», а со стороны убойного отдела — как «О, Боже, Только Не Они Снова». Но даже их начальнику, профессионалу и закоренелому скептику, инспектору Сивеллу, приходится вызывать нас на странные ночные происшествия. Именно поэтому в пять часов утра я стоял на станции подземки и смотрел на тело Джеймса Галлахера, гражданина США и студента факультета искусств. И задавался вопросом: как он смог добраться до места назначения, не попав на камеры…

  • The Domestic Ben Aaronovitch
    Язык: Английский

    "The tricky thing about architectural fashion is that it’s never as demarcated as the textbooks make out. The terrace mid-way up Prince of Wales Road was doing its best to pretend it was Regency, but the sash windows, slapdash stucco and half basement all said mid-Victorian at the earliest. I gave it the once over. The paint was grubby rather than dirty and the iron railings had been maintained free of rust. First wave right-to-buy property owner, I thought, from back in the days when Camden Council still had terrace flat conversions on its books."

  • The Home Crowd Advantage Ben Aaronovitch
    Язык: Английский

    It takes place during the Olympic Games in London, 2012. Peter gets a call about a magical situation near an Olympic stadium that has turned into a standoff, so he rushes over to see if he can contain it by himself since Nightingale is out of town.

  • The Cockpit Ben Aaronovitch
    Язык: Английский

    The Cockpit in the special Waterstones edition of Broken Homes.

  • Broken Homes Ben Aaronovitch
    ISBN: 9780756409609
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: DAW
    Язык: Английский
    A mutilated body in Crawley. A killer on the loose. The prime suspect is one Robert Weil, possibly an associate of the twisted wizard known as the Faceless Man. Or maybe just a garden-variety serial killer.

    Before apprentice wizard and Police Constable Peter Grant can even get his head 'round the case, two more are dropped in his lap: a town planner has gone under a tube train, and there's a stolen grimoire for Grant to track down.

    So far, so London.

    But then Peter gets word of something very odd happening on a housing estate designed by a nutter, built by charlatans, and inhabited by the truly desperate.

    Is there a connection?

    And if there is, why oh why did it have to be South of the River—in the jurisdiction of some pretty prickly local river spirits?
  • Foxglove Summer Ben Aaronovitch
    ISBN: 978-0756409661
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: DAW Books
    Язык: Английский
    When two young girls go missing in rural Herefordshire, police constable and wizard-in-training Peter Grant is sent out of London to check that nothing supernatural is involved.

    It’s purely routine—Nightingale, Peter’s superior, thinks he’ll be done in less than a day. But Peter’s never been one to walk away from someone in trouble, so when nothing overtly magical turns up he volunteers his services to the local police, who need all the help they can get. But because the universe likes a joke as much as the next sadistic megalomaniac, Peter soon comes to realize that dark secrets underlie the picturesque fields and villages of the countryside and there might just be work for Britain’s most junior wizard after all.

    Soon Peter’s in a vicious race against time, in a world where the boundaries between reality and fairy have never been less clear....
  • The Furthest Station: A PC Grant Novella Ben Aaronovitch
    ISBN: 1596068337, 9781596068339
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Subterranean Press
    Язык: Английский
    There have been ghosts on the London Underground, sad, harmless spectres whose presence does little more than give a frisson to travelling and boost tourism. But now there's a rash of sightings on the Metropolitan Line and these ghosts are frightening, aggressive and seem to be looking for something.

    Enter PC Peter Grant junior member of the Metropolitan Police's Special Assessment unit a.k.a. The Folly a.k.a. the only police officers whose official duties include ghost hunting. Together with Jaget Kumar, his counterpart at the British Transport Police, he must brave the terrifying the crush of London's rush hour to find the source of the ghosts.

    Joined by Peter's wannabe wizard cousin, a preschool river god and Toby the ghost hunting dog their investigation takes a darker tone as they realise that a real person's life might just be on the line.

    And time is running out to save them.

    With this new novella, bestselling author Ben Aaronovitch has crafted yet another wickedly funny and surprisingly affecting chapter in his beloved Rivers of London series.
  • The Hanging Tree Ben Aaronovitch
    ISBN: 978-0575132559
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Gollancz
    Язык: Английский
    Another gripping and hilarious adventure through the secret streets of London. A tour of what remains and an insight into what once was with a liberal sprinkling of folklore, myth and violent crime. Each of Ben Aaronovitch's previous Peter Grant novels have been Sunday Times Top Ten HB bestsellers and The Hanging Tree looks set to repeat the feat.

    The Hanging Tree was the Tyburn gallows which stood where Marble Arch stands today. Oxford Street was the last trip of the condemned. Somethings don't change. The place has a bloody and haunted legacy and now blood has returned to the empty Mayfair mansions of the world's super-rich. And blood mixed with magic is a job for Peter Grant.

    Peter Grant is back as are Nightingale et al at the Folly and the various river gods, ghosts and spirits who attach themselves to England's last wizard and the Met's reluctant investigator of all things supernatural.
  • A Rare Book of Cunning Device Ben Aaronovitch
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Audible Studios
    Язык: Английский
    Somewhere amongst the shadowy stacks and the many basements of the British library, something is very much amiss - and we're not talking late returns here. Is it a ghost, or something much worse? PC Peter Grant really isn't looking forward to finding out....
  • Lies Sleeping Ben Aaronovitch
    ISBN: 9781473207813
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Gollancz
    Язык: Английский

    Martin Chorley, aka the Faceless Man, wanted for multiple counts of murder, fraud and crimes against humanity, has been unmasked and is on the run. Peter Grant, Detective Constable and apprentice wizard, now plays a key role in an unprecedented joint operation to bring Chorley to justice. But even as the unwieldy might of the Metropolitan Police bears down on its foe, Peter uncovers clues that Chorley, far from being finished, is executing the final stages of a long term plan. A plan that has its roots in London's two thousand bloody years of history, and could literally bring the city to its knees. To save his beloved city…

  • The October Man Бен Ааронович
    ISBN: 9781473224315
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Orion Publishing Group
    Язык: Английский
    Trier is famous for wine, Romans and for being Germany’s oldest city. So when a man is found dead with, his body impossibly covered in a fungal rot, the local authorities know they are out of their depth.

    Fortunately this is Germany, where there are procedures for everything.

    Enter Investigator Tobias Winter, whose aim is to get in, deal with the problem, and get out with the minimum of fuss, personal danger and paperwork. With the help of frighteningly enthusiastic local cop, Vanessa Sommer, he’s quick to link the first victim to a group of ordinary middle aged men – and to realise they may have accidentally reawakened a bloody conflict from a previous century. But the rot is still spreading, literally and with the suspect list extending to people born before Frederick the Great solving the case may mean unearthing the city’s secret magical history.

    ...so long as that history doesn’t kill them first.
  • False Value Бен Ааронович
    ISBN: 0756416469, 9780756416461
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: DAW Books
    Язык: Английский
    Peter Grant is facing fatherhood, and an uncertain future, with equal amounts of panic and enthusiasm. Rather than sit around, he takes a job with émigré Silicon Valley tech genius Terrence Skinner's brand new London start up - the Serious Cybernetics Company.

    Drawn into the orbit of Old Street's famous 'silicon roundabout', Peter must learn how to blend in with people who are both civilians and geekier than he is. Compared to his last job, Peter thinks it should be a doddle. But magic is not finished with Mama Grant's favourite son.

    Because Terrence Skinner has a secret hidden in the bowels of the SCC. A technology that stretches back to Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage, and forward to the future of artificial intelligence. A secret that is just as magical as it technological - and just as dangerous.
  • Amongst Our Weapons Бен Ааронович
    ISBN: 9780756414832
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: DAW Books
    Язык: Английский
    There is a world hidden underneath this great city.

    The London Silver Vaults–for well over a century, the largest collection of silver for sale in the world. It has more locks than the Bank of England and more cameras than a celebrity punch-up. Not somewhere you can murder someone and vanish without a trace–only that’s what happened.

    The disappearing act, the reports of a blinding flash of light and memory loss amongst the witnesses all make this a case for Detective Constable Peter Grant and the Special Assessment Unit.

    Alongside their boss DCI Thomas Nightingale, the SAU find themselves embroiled in a mystery that encompasses London’s tangled history, foreign lands and, most terrifying of all, the North!

    And Peter must solve this case soon because back home his partner Beverley is expecting twins any day now. But what he doesn’t know is that he’s about to encounter something–and somebody–that nobody ever expects…
  • Whispers Under Ground (Rivers of London 3) Aaronovitch, Ben
    ISBN: 978-0-575-09766-7
    Год издания: 2012
    Язык: Английский
    Whispers Under Ground (Rivers of London 3)
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