Хоуп Ларсон

Hope Larson

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Лучшие книги Хоуп Ларсон

  • Тайна ножа и часов Хоуп Ларсон
    ISBN: 978-5-00117-504-9
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
    Язык: Русский

    Знакомьтесь: Александр и Клеопатра Додж, близнецы двенадцати лет. После исчезновения отца они присоединяются к банде Черного Крюка. Попав в полицию за кражу, они соглашаются выдать всех членов группы в обмен на билет до Нового Орлеана. В газете они увидели объявление о розыске рыжеволосых братьев-близнецов, которые пропали пять лет назад, и решают выдать себя за них. Однако Алекс и Клео и не подозревают, какие приключения их ждут! Близнецам предстоит вынести расставание, пережить морскую бурю, погони, сражения с пиратами, кораблекрушение и путешествие по джунглям. Но и это еще не все: Алекс и Клео найдут настоящих друзей, раскроют тайну…

  • Излом времени. Графический роман Хоуп Ларсон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-091892-8
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Специально к премьере фильма! Первое иллюстрированное издание приключенческого романа-бестселлера, ставшего классикой! Уже знакомые миру Мэг Мурри, Чарьз Мурри и Келвин О'Кифи отправляются в путешествие сквозь пространство и время чтобы спасти отца Мэг и Чарльза, который застрял во временной петле. Во время путешествия они встречают защитников галактики Миссис Чтотакое, Миссис Кто и Миссис Ведьму, спасают вселенную от тьмы, а также находят себя.

  • Minecraft. Истории из Верхнего мира Хоуп Ларсон
    ISBN: 978-5-17-119454-3
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский
    Перед вами сборник ярких историй, собранных из блоков и панелей! Вас ждёт захватывающее путешествие по Верхнему миру, в котором вы встретите ведьму и разбойника, которые пытаются найти общий язык, коварного грифера, переоценившего собственные возможности, отважных искателей приключений, которые только начали знакомство (или нет!) с Верхним миром, и милую хрюшку, которая мешает герою построить собственную империю. В книге также есть коллекция обложек от потрясающих художников!
  • Batgirl Vol. 1: Beyond Burnside Hope Larson
    ISBN: 9781401268404
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    Barbara Gordon looks to add a new bullet point to her already impressive Batgirl resume: travel agent. Having just (barely!) survived the Battle of Burnside and verging on an Arkham-worthy breakdown, the star pulls a Kerouac and gets on the road to find herself.

    Follow Babs on her worldwide quest in Batgirl, Volume 1: Beyond Burnside, with New York Times best-selling author Hope Larson and award-winning artist Raphael Albuquerque leading the way!

    Collecting: Batgirl 1-6
  • Atheneum Books Hope Larson
    ISBN: 978-1-4169-3588-9
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    August 31, 5:15 PM, French Hill, Nova Scotia: A girl named Tara is running. She runs through her nice neighborhood and up a road to the burned ruins of what was once a beautiful house--her family's house. August 31, 1859, French Hill, Nova Scotia: A girl named Josey is picking blackberries with her friend Connie. As the girls gossip, a handsome stranger knocks on the door of Josey's house. His name is Asa, and with his coming, Josey's life--and later in time, Tara's as well--is about to change forever. Because there is treasure in the woods that belong to Josey's family. Gold--an untold fortune. Asa has a secret way of finding it, and his partnership with Josey's father could make them all rich. But there is darkness in the woods, and in Asa. And in the present day, Tara, Josey's descendent, is about to discover the truth about what really happened in the family's past. Eisner award winner Hope Larson weaves together history, romance, and a touch of her trademark magical realism in this remarkable graphic novel of how the past haunts a teenage girl's present.
  • Batgirl Vol. 3: Summer of Lies Хоуп Ларсон
    ISBN: 978-1401278908
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    From the Eisner and Ignatz award-winning author Hope Larson comes the next chapter for Gotham vigilante Batgirl!

    Barbara Gordon and Dick Grayson are a very different kind of Dynamic Duo. No matter how far apart their careers as Batgirl and Nightwing take them, they always seem to be drawn back together. But the true nature of their undeniable feelings for each other is a mystery even these world-class crime-fighters can't crack.

    They'd better figure it out fast, because when a deadly villain from their past resurfaces, the star-crossed superheroes are forced to remember a time they'd like to forget. And once they realize that they're caught in a trap years in the making, it may be too late for either of them to escape with their lives, let alone their hearts.
  • Comic Book Tattoo Tales Inspired by Tori Amos Ted McKeever
    ISBN: 978-1582409641
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Image Comics

    Over 80 of the best creators from every style and genre have contributed over 50 stories to this anthology featuring tales inspired by the songs of multi-platinum recording artist, Tori Amos! Featuring an introduction by Neil Gaiman, with stories by creators such as Carla Speed McNeil, Mark Buckingham, C.B. Cebulski, Nikki Cook, Hope Larson, John Ney Reiber, Ryan Kelly, and many, many others, Comic Book Tattoo encapsulates the breadth, depth, and beauty of modern comics in this coffee table format book.
  • Batgirl Vol. 2: Son of Penguin Хоуп Ларсон
    ISBN: 978-1401274245
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    After a globe-trotting adventure with the greatest fighters on Earth, Barbara Gordon—a.k.a. Batgirl—is glad to be back in Burnside, Gotham City’s coolest neighborhood. There’s just one problem: everything’s changed, from her school to her friends to Burnside itself.

    But there’s an even bigger problem headed Babs’ way. Turns out the tech mogul who’s transforming the town is none other than Ethan Cobblepot—the estranged son of the crime lord better known as the Penguin!

    Yet Ethan and his father don’t seem like birds of a feather. He’s handsome, he’s heroic and he just might win Barbara’s heart. Can she trust this new man in her life—or will his villainous parentage kill their fledgling relationship before it even gets off the ground?

    Find out in BATGIRL VOL. 2: SON OF PENGUIN, from New York Times best-selling creators Hope Larson (A WRINKLE IN TIME: THE GRAPHIC NOVEL) and Chris Wildgoose (GOTHAM ACADEMY). Exploding from the pages of the blockbuster DC Universe Rebirth event, it’s a totally tumultuous new chapter in the saga of one of Gotham City’s greatest heroes!
  • Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd Скотт Вестерфельд
    ISBN: 9780316008099
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Acclaimed authors Holly Black (Ironside) and Cecil Castellucci (Boy Proof) have united in geekdom to edit short stories from some of the best selling and most promising geeks in young adult literature: M.T. Anderson, Libba Bray, Cassandra Clare, John Green, Tracy Lynn, Cynthia and Greg Leitich Smith, David Levithan, Kelly Link, Barry Lyga, Wendy Mass, Garth Nix, Scott Westerfield, Lisa Yee, and Sara Zarr.
    With illustrated interstitials from comic book artists Hope Larson and Bryan Lee O'Malley, Geektastic covers all things geeky, from Klingons and Jedi Knights to fan fiction, theater geeks, and cosplayers. Whether you're a former, current, or future geek, or if you just want to get in touch with your inner geek, Geektastic will help you get your geek on!
  • Chiggers Hope Larson
    ISBN: 9781416935841
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Abby is back at the same old camp she goes to every summer -- except for the fact that this summer, nothing is the same. Her friend Rose is a cabin assistant, her friend Beth is pierced, and now the only person who doesn't seem too cool for Abby is Shasta, the new girl.Shasta:

    1. who is one-eighth Cherokee.

    2. who was struck by lightning.

    3. whose Internet boyfriend is a senior in high school.

    4. who can't do any activities because of various questionable ailments.

    5. who is totally annoying to everyone but Abby.

    Can Abby be friends with a girl who all her other friends can't stand? Especially when Shasta has secrets that she isn't even telling Abby?

    Brilliantly plotted by Eisner Award winner Hope Larson, this is the story of one summer that will most definitely be different from the rest.
  • Batgirl #17 Хоуп Ларсон
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    “SUMMER OF LIES” finale! After falling down the rabbit hole, Batgirl and Nightwing must face off against the Red Queen! How will our heroes survive this villain’s vendetta? What could they have done in the past to inspire the queen’s bloody revenge?
  • Batgirl #18 Хоуп Ларсон
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    It’s the holiday season in Burnside, and everyone is getting into the spirit…including Harley Quinn! After the maid of mischief infects Barbara Gordon’s company party with a killer virus, Batgirl must embark on a wild-goose chase around the city to find a cure. The clock’s ticking—will our hero save the day in time?
  • Batgirl #19 Хоуп Ларсон
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    When a massive blizzard hits Gotham City without warning, Batgirl must brave the bitter cold to discover the truth behind the storm. Is it an act of nature? Or is the Penguin up to no good? Find out in what promises to be a chilling metropolitan mystery for the ages!
  • Batgirl #9 Хоуп Ларсон
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    “SON OF THE PENGUIN” part three! Meeting your boyfriend’s parents is always stressful. But when by “parents” you mean “the Penguin” and by “meeting” you mean “punching in the face”…well then, you must be Batgirl! Babs gets to the bottom of Penguin’s involvement in Burnside and decides once and for all if Ethan is a hero or a villain.
  • Batgirl #12 Хоуп Ларсон
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    “Troubled Waters”! A terrifying creature is threatening members of the Burnside YMCA—but no one can catch it! It’s up to Batgirl to plunge into the unknown depths and risk being zapped out of existence to put an end to the danger!
  • Batgirl #13 Хоуп Ларсон
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    “BATS AND CATS”! When an innocent bystander close to Batgirl’s heart gets caught in between a feud between herself and Catwoman, what started as just another case could become direly important.
  • Batgirl #5 Хоуп Ларсон
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    “BEYOND BURNSIDE” conclusion! Batgirl faces down Teacher in the streets of Shanghai, but will fists be enough against the intelligence-enhanced foe? Babs will have to conquer the pathways of her own mind in order to defeat this vicious predator once and for all!
  • Batgirl #7 Хоуп Ларсон
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    “Son of Penguin” part one! Babs is back in Burnside! But everything’s…different-friends, school, even Burnside itself. Batgirl must determine her next steps when she realizes that the shady new tech mogul moving into her neighborhood is none other than the estranged son of the Penguin!
  • Batgirl #10 Хоуп Ларсон
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    “Son of the Penguin” part four! Ethan Cobblepot has shown his true colors: he’s a Penguin, through and through! Or is he? Can Batgirl turn his ambitions into a force for good—before he can turn Burnside against Batgirl?
  • Batgirl #14 Хоуп Ларсон
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    “SUMMER OF LIES” part one! Batgirl and Nightwing’s feelings for each other have always run deep...but is their bond built on more than Bat Family loyalty and a long-ago childhood crush? When an old villain comes back into Babs’ life, she and Dick will have to reopen painful wounds and remember a time they’d hoped would remain forgotten. This is an event no Batgirl or Nightwing fan will want to miss!
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