Тамора Пирс

Tamora Pierce

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Тамора Пирс — книжные серии

  • Daja's Book Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0590554107, 9780590554107
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Scholastic
    Язык: Английский
    Outcast Trader Daja, along with her fellow mages-in-training, journeys from Winding Circle to the Gold Ridge Mountains, where drought threatens widespread famine. There, Daja creates an astonishing object: a living metal vine, and Daja's dealings with her former people reawaken a longing for familiar ways.

    Daja must choose - should she return to the Traders or remain with the Winding Circle folk who have become her family?
  • Tris's Book Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0590554093, 978-0590554091
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Scholastic
    Язык: Английский
    Earthquake damage leaves Winding Circle vulnerable to pirate attack, so everyone - including the young mages-in-training Tris, Briar, Daja, and Sandry - is working to strengthen the community's defenses. When Tris's cousin Aymery comes to visit, he advises the "weather witch" to return to the family that exiled her, but she doesn't wish to leave her friends to face the threat without her.

    As the onslaught begins, two things become terribly clear: The pirates have a powerful new weapon, and they have an accomplice within Winding Circle. But the attackers have failed to reckon with the fury of a young mage betrayed once too often and her very stubborn, very loyal friends....
  • Briar's Book Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0590554115, 9780590554114
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Scholastic Paperback
    Язык: Английский
    Four elements of power, four mages-in-training learning to control them. In Book 4 of the Circle of Magic Quartet, former "street rat" Briar leads a comfortable life at Winding Circle Temple, learning plant magic from his teacher Rosethorn. But street kids are still his friends, and when one of them gets sick, she turns to Briar for help. As the mysterious illness spreads, Sandry, Daja, and Tris join Briar and their teachers to fight the epidemic. But just as the situation improves, the unthinkable happens. Will Briar be able to save what he loves most?
  • Sandry's Book Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0590554085, 978-0590554084
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Scholastic Paperbacks
    Язык: Английский
    Having been sent to Winding Circle Temple, Daja, Briar, Tris and Sandry begin to feel that they have finally found a place where their magical gifts are respected. As they learn and grow in their skills, they must face down everything from pirates to strange diseases.
  • Lady Knight Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0375814655
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Random House
    Язык: Английский
    Keladry of Mindelan has finally achieved her lifelong dream of being a knight. But it isn't turning out as she imagined at all. With the land of Tortall at war with the Scanrans, she has been assigned the enormous responsibility of overseeing a refugee camp. To add to her burden, Kel has had a vision in the Chamber -- a vision of the man behind the horrific battle machines that her fellow knights and friends are now fighting without her. She is torn between a duty she has sworn and a quest that she feels could turn the tide of the war....
  • Squire Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0679889167, 9780679889168
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Random House Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    At the age of 14 and standing 5 foot 10, Keladry of Mindelan is a squire. A squire serves and learns from a seasoned knight for four years, then faces a final test. That final test is the Ordeal, which takes place in a magical room called the Chamber. There, a squire encounters the parts of him or herself that the Chamber deems to be the most difficult to face–be they fears, failings, or unrepented wicked deeds. Does Kel have what it takes to survive?
  • Page Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0679889159, 9780679889151
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Random House Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Keladry of Mindalen, the first girl to train as a knight since Alanna, is officially a page now, but she's got three more years before she'll be a squire. And those three years are not going to be easy. Kel has to stand up against bullying boys, cruel older sisters, and, as always, the training master, Lord Wyldon!
  • First Test Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0679889175, 978-0679889175
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Laurel Leaf
    Язык: Английский
    Ten years after knighthood training was opened to both males and females, no girl has been brave enough to try. But knighthood is Keladry's one true desire, and so she steps forward to put herself to the test.

    Up against the traditional hazing of pages and a grueling schedule, Kel faces one roadblock that seems insurmountable: Lord Wyldon, the training master of pages and squires. He is absolutely against girls becoming knights. So while he is forced to train her, Wyldon puts her on a probationary trial period that no male page has ever had to endure. Further set apart from her fellow trainees, Kel's path to knighthood is now that much harder. But she is determined to try, and she's making friends in the most unlikely places. One thing is for sure, Kel is not a girl to underestimate.
  • Wolf-Speaker Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 1416903445
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    When humans start cutting down trees and digging holes in peaceful Dunlath Valley, the wolves know that something is wrong. They send a messenger to the only human who will listen -- Daine, a fourteen-year-old girl with the unpredictable power of wild magic. Daine and her closest companions heed the wolves' cry for help. But the challenge they are about to face in the valley is greater than they can possibly imagine...
  • The Realms of the Gods Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 978-1416908173
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    Trouble has come again to Tortall. Not only are Daine, Numair and their friends fighting against their old enemy, Ozorne, but the barrier between the realms has vanished. When Numair and Daine are dragged into the Divine Realms, they realise the situation is worse than they had thought.
  • Emperor Mage Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 978-1416903376
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    Emperor Ozorne's Immortal minions have savaged peaceful Tortall. Daine has lost many friends to Hurrock claw and Stormwing talon. Now Ozorne talks of treaties, and for Tortall's sake, Daine must attend the peace conference - somehow keeping her wild magic in check. But other forces demand she unleash that power. The Gods are furious with Emperor Ozorne, and have chosen Daine to deliver their dreadful retribution. Compelled by the Graveyard Hag, Daine confronts Ozorne. But should she use divine power to bring the mighty Empire to its knees.?
  • Wild Magic Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 1416903437, 9781416903437
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    Thirteen-year-old DaIne has always had a knack with animals, but it's not until she's forced to leave home that she realizes it's more than a knack -- it's magic. With this wild magic, not only can Daine speak to animals, but also she can make them obey her. Daine takes a job handling horses for the Queen's Riders, where she meets the master mage Numair and becomes his student.
    Under Numair's guidance, Daine explores the scope of her magic. But she begins to sense other beings too: immortals. These bloodthirsty monsters have been imprisoned in the Divine Realms for the past four hundred years, but now someone has broken the barrier. It's up to Daine and her friends to defend their world from an immortal attack.
  • Выбор шутника. Королева шутника (комплект из 2 книг) (сборник) Тамора Пирс
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель, Хранитель
    Язык: Русский
    Бог Шутник обещал народу рэка приход избавительницы - она будет править Медным Архипелагом и освободит рэка от гнета завоевателей-луаринов.
    Однако никто не подозревает, что ключом к свободе станет девчонка Али Хоумвуд - совсем недавно ее звали Алианна из Пиратского Обрыва.
    Наследница древнего клана лазутчиков?
    Она и сама не понимает, как исполнить предначертанное и почему выбор Шутника пал именно на нее...
  • Аланна. Начало пути Тамора Пирс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-097601-0
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    И угораздило же Аланну из Требонда родиться девчонкой! Тяжело жить, когда мечтаешь стать рыцарем, а вместо этого учишься магии, пению и танцам. Брат-близнец Аланны Том, наоборот, хочет постичь магическую науку и стать могущественным чародеем. Однажды ребята решают поменяться местами: Том уезжает в монастырь, где ему предстоит учиться волшебству, а Аланна, притворившись мальчиком, отправляется в королевский дворец, чтобы поступить в услужение пажом. Но стать рыцарем не так-то просто. Прежде чем получить право участвовать в сражениях, Аланна должна научиться не только как следует владеть мечом, но и отличать врагов от друзей. Лишь пройдя…
