Вручение декабрь 2014 г. — стр. 6

Дата проведения: декабрь 2014 г.

Лучшие ужасы

John Connolly 4.0
Prosperous, and the secret that it hides beneath its ruins . . .

The community of Prosperous, Maine has always thrived when others have suffered. Its inhabitants are wealthy, its children's future secure. It shuns outsiders. It guards its own. And at the heart of Prosperous lie the ruins of an ancient church, transported stone by stone from England centuries earlier by the founders of the town . . .

But the death of a homeless man and the disappearance of his daughter draw the haunted, lethal private investigator Charlie Parker to Prosperous. Parker is a dangerous man, driven by compassion, by rage, and by the desire for vengeance. In him the town and its protectors sense a threat graver than any they have faced in their long history, and in the comfortable, sheltered inhabitants of a small Maine town, Parker will encounter his most vicious opponents yet.

Charlie Parker has been marked to die so that Prosperous may survive.
Jonathan Maberry 0.0
For years the Department of Military Sciences has fought to stop terrorists from using radical bioweapons—designer plagues, weaponized pathogens, genetically modified viruses, and even the zombie plague that first brought Ledger into the DMS. These terrible weapons have been locked away in the world’s most secure facility. Until now. Joe Ledger and Echo Team are scrambled when a highly elite team of killers breaks the unbreakable security and steals the world’s most dangerous weapons. Within days there are outbreaks of mass slaughter and murderous insanity across the American heartland. Can Joe Ledger stop a brilliant and devious master criminal from turning the Land of the Free into a land of the dead?

Code Zero, a Joe Ledger novel from Jonathan Maberry, is the exciting direct sequel to Patient Zero.
Джеймс Роллинс, Ребекка Кантрелл 4.1
После того, как Кровавое Евангелие было явлено людям, Орден сангвинистов перешел к следующему этапу, предначертанному в Священном писании от Христа. Троица спасителей – Рун Корца, Джордан Стоун и Эрин Грейнджер – должны отыскать Первого Ангела, который принесет людям вечный мир. Однако им противостоит некто, имеющий совершенно иные планы на будущее человечества. Ему тоже нужен Первый Ангел – но чтобы устроить конец света; ибо сказано в Писании, что только в конце времен свершится возвращение Христа в мир. Он мечтает вернуть на землю Мессию, которого когда-то предал, и избавиться наконец от страшного «дара» бессмертия. И имя творцу грядущего Апокалипсиса – Иуда Искариот…
Scott Sigler 0.0
Scott Sigler’s Infected shocked readers with a visceral, up-close account of physical metamorphosis and one man’s desperate fight for sanity and survival, as “Scary” Perry Dawsey suffered the impact of an alien pathogen’s early attempts at mass extinction. In the sequel Contagious, Sigler pulled back the camera and let the reader experience the frantic national response to this growing cataclysm.
And now in Pandemic, the entire human race balances on the razor’s edge of annihilation, beset by an enemy that turns our own bodies against us, that changes normal people into psychopaths or transforms them into nightmares.
To some, Doctor Margaret Montoya is a hero—a brilliant scientist who saved the human race from an alien intelligence determined to exterminate all of humanity.
To others, she’s a monster—a mass murderer single-handedly responsible for the worst atrocity ever to take place on American soil.
All Margaret knows is that she’s broken. The blood of a million deaths is on her hands. Guilt and nightmares have turned her into a shut-in, too mired in self-hatred even to salvage her marriage, let alone be the warrior she once was.
But she is about to be called into action again. Because before the murderous intelligence was destroyed, it launched one last payload — a soda can–sized container filled with deadly microorganisms that make humans feed upon their own kind.
That harmless-looking container has languished a thousand feet below the surface of Lake Michigan, undisturbed and impotent . . . until now.
Part Cthulhu epic, part zombie apocalypse and part blockbuster alien-invasion tale, Pandemic completes the Infected trilogy and sets a new high-water mark in the world of horror fiction.
Ларри Корреия 0.0
#5 in multiple New York Times bestseller Larry Correia's Monster Hunter series.

Agent Franks of the U.S. Monster Control Bureau is a man of many parts—parts from other people, that is. Franks is nearly seven feet tall and all muscle. He's nearly indestructible. Plus he’s animated by a powerful alchemical substance and inhabited by a super-intelligent spirit more ancient than humanity itself.

Good thing he’s on our side. More or less.

Sworn to serve and protect the United States of America from all monsters by one of the country’s founding fathers, Franks has only one condition to the agreement: no matter what the government learns of him, no matter what is discovered concerning his odd physiology or the alchemy behind the elixir that made him, the government is never, ever allowed to try and make more like him. Such is absolutely forbidden and should the powers-that-be do so, then the agreement is null and void.

Project Nemesis: in a secret location, using sophisticated technology and advanced genetic engineering, the director of the very agency Franks works for is making more like him. And the director is not content with making one. Nope, he’s making thirteen.

Now all bets are off, and Hell hath no fury like a monster betrayed. Particularly if that monster happens to be an undying killing machine capable of taking out vampires and werewolves with one hand tied behind his back.
Simone St. James 4.7
In 1919, Kitty Weekes, pretty, resourceful, and on the run, falsifies her background to obtain a nursing position at Portis House, a remote hospital for soldiers left shell-shocked by the horrors of the Great War. Hiding the shame of their mental instability in what was once a magnificent private estate, the patients suffer from nervous attacks and tormenting dreams. But something more is going on at Portis House—its plaster is crumbling, its plumbing makes eerie noises, and strange breaths of cold waft through the empty rooms. It’s known that the former occupants left abruptly, but where did they go? And why do the patients all seem to share the same nightmare, one so horrific that they dare not speak of it?

Kitty finds a dangerous ally in Jack Yates, an inmate who may be a war hero, a madman… or maybe both. But even as Kitty and Jack create a secret, intimate alliance to uncover the truth, disturbing revelations suggest the presence of powerful spectral forces. And when a medical catastrophe leaves them even more isolated, they must battle the menace on their own, caught in the heart of a mystery that could destroy them both.
Карина Халле 5.0
**The dramatic conclusion to the Experiment in Terror Series.** Perry Palomino and Dex Foray. On their own, they're uniquely brilliant. Together, they're an unstoppable team. Until now. Because after everything the duo has encountered, they haven't come across an evil quite like this. An evil that has been years in the making, an evil that will stop at nothing until they, and everyone they care for, are destroyed. Dex and Perry's love has survived a multitude of sins. But can it survive the end?
Блейк Крауч 4.2
К концу четвертого тысячелетия нашей эры генотип человечества полностью мутировал – и люди превратились в жутких кровожадных монстров, поедающих все, что движется. Они заселили всю планету – кроме одного-единственного места в горах штата Айдахо, городка Заплутавшие Сосны. Его жители выжили посреди этого хаоса. Они – последние люди на земле, а Заплутавшие Сосны – последний город в человеческой цивилизации, ее последняя надежда. Но парадокс ситуации заключается в том, что сами они об этом не знают, продолжая считать себя частью большого мира людей. Однако один из жителей городка – его шериф Итан Бёрк – докопался до правды. До истинного назначения Заплутавших Сосен…
Grady Hendrix 3.6
Something strange is happening at the Orsk furniture superstore in Cleveland, Ohio. Every morning, employees arrive to find broken Kjerring wardrobes, shattered Bracken glassware, and vandalized Liripip sofabeds--clearly, someone or something is up to no good. To unravel the mystery, five young employees volunteer for a long dusk-til-dawn shift--and they encounter horrors that defy imagination. Along the way, author Grady Hendrix infuses sly social commentary on the nature of work in the new 21st century economy. A traditional haunted house story in a contemporary setting (and full of contemporary fears), Horrorstor comes conveniently packaged in the form of a retail catalog, complete with illustrations of ready-to-assemble furniture and other, more sinister accessories. We promise you've never seen anything quite like it!
Сэм Сисават 0.0
One night. That was all it took.

Creatures that once lived in the shadows, hidden from humankind, have risen, spreading like a plague across the globe over the course of a single night. Their numbers growing exponentially through infection, these seemingly unkillable creatures have swallowed up whole cities and collapsed unprepared governments.

Survivors call it The Purge.

Against all odds, a disparate group of survivors has emerged from that blood-soaked night that devastated the planet and reduced humanity to an endangered species. Among the survivors are two ex-Army Rangers, a businesswoman, and a third-year medical student. But surviving The Purge was one thing – staying alive is another matter entirely.

Hope exists in the countryside, in the form of a self-sustaining underground facility designed to withstand any calamity. But in order to reach its safety, the survivors must travel hundreds of treacherous miles, with the night – and the creatures that dwell within it – always at their backs.

The rules are simple: stay out of the dark, load up on silver bullets, and whatever you do, stay alive.

The road to salvation has begun …
Lauren Beukes 2.8
"Scary as hell and hypnotic. I couldn't put it down...I'd grab it if I were you." --Stephen King

A criminal mastermind creates violent tableaus in abandoned Detroit warehouses in Lauren Beukes's new genre-bending novel of suspense.

Detective Gabriella Versado has seen a lot of bodies. But this one is unique even by Detroit's standards: half boy, half deer, somehow fused together. As stranger and more disturbing bodies are discovered, how can the city hold on to a reality that is already tearing at its seams?

If you're Detective Versado's geeky teenage daughter, Layla, you commence a dangerous flirtation with a potential predator online. If you're desperate freelance journalist Jonno, you do whatever it takes to get the exclusive on a horrific story. If you're Thomas Keen, known on the street as TK, you'll do what you can to keep your homeless family safe--and find the monster who is possessed by the dream of violently remaking the world.

If Lauren Beukes's internationally bestselling The Shining Girls was a time-jumping thrill ride through the past, her Broken Monsters is a genre-redefining thriller about broken cities, broken dreams, and broken people trying to put themselves back together again.
Charles Stross 0.0
As a newly appointed junior manager within the Laundry—the clandestine organization responsible for protecting Britain against supernatural threats—Bob Howard is expected to show some initiative to help the agency battle the forces of darkness. But shining a light on things best left in the shadows is the last thing Bob wants to do—especially when those shadows hide an occult parasite spreading a deadly virus.

Traders employed by a merchant bank in London are showing signs of infection—an array of unusual symptoms such as superstrength and -speed, an uncanny talent for mind control, an extreme allergic reaction to sunlight, and an unquenchable thirst for blood. While his department is tangled up in bureaucratic red tape (and Buffy reruns), debating how to stop the rash of vampirism, Bob digs deeper into the bank’s history—only to uncover a bloodcurdling conspiracy between men and monsters...
Ричард Кадри 4.0
Sandman Slim must save himself-and the entire world-from the wrath of some enraged and vengeful ancient gods in this sixth high-octane adventure in the New York Times bestselling series

Being a half-human, half-angel nephilim with a bad rep and a worse attitude-not to mention temporarily playing Lucifer-James Stark aka Sandman Slim has made a few enemies. None, though, are as fearsome as the vindictive Angra Om Ya-the old gods. But their imminent invasion is only one of Stark's problems right now. LA is descending into chaos, and a new evil-the Wildfire Ripper-is stalking the city.

No ordinary killer, The Ripper takes Stark deep into a conspiracy that stretches from Earth to Heaven and Hell. He's also the only person alive who may know how to keep the world from going extinct. The trouble is, he's also Stark's worst enemy . . . the only man in existence Stark would enjoy killing twice.
Ник Каттер 3.9
Каждый год отряд скаутов отправляется на необитаемый остров Фальстаф у побережья Канады, где они проводят выходные в условиях дикой природы, учатся разводить костры, ловить рыбу и ориентироваться на местности. Это традиция, в ней нет неожиданностей, и каждое поколение вспоминает эти поездки с радостью и ностальгией. Только в этот раз все будет по-другому. К стоянке скаутов выходит странный незнакомец — невероятно тощий, жутко бледный и чудовищно голодный. Они столкнутся с чем-то куда страшнее любого привидения из байки у костра. Они столкнутся с носителем подлинного кошмара, созданного в биогенетических лабораториях. И теперь скаутмастеру Тиму Риггсу и его подопечным придется бороться со стихиями, с зараженными и даже со своими собственными товарищами, и цена выживания будет невероятно высока.
Сара Лотц 3.6
12 января 2012 года недаром назвали черным четвергом. В этот день один за другим разбились сразу четыре пассажирских самолета! За несколько часов тысячи семей лишились близких. Причины аварий так и не удалось установить. Поразительно, что в трех крушениях посчастливилось выжить трем детям, хотя шансов на спасение у них не было. Неужели случилось чудо? Но вскоре родные выживших малышей понимают, что дети изменились, и эти изменения вызывают у них ужас и панику… Возможно, четвертое крушение тоже пережил ребенок? Правда шокирует и пугает...

Лучший юмор

Amy Poehler 4.0

Собрано 36 009 голосов.

Do you want to get to know the woman we first came to love on Comedy Central's Upright Citizens Brigade? Do you want to spend some time with the lady who made you howl with laughter on Saturday Night Live, and in movies like Baby Mama, Blades of Glory, and They Came Together? Do you find yourself daydreaming about hanging out with the actor behind the brilliant Leslie Knope on Parks and Recreation? Did you wish you were in the audience at the last two Golden Globes ceremonies, so you could bask in the hilarity of Amy's one-liners?

If your answer to these questions is "Yes Please!" then you are in luck. In her first book, one of our most beloved funny folk delivers a smart, pointed, and ultimately inspirational read. Full of the comedic skill that makes us all love Amy, Yes Please is a rich and varied collection of stories, lists, poetry (Plastic Surgery Haiku, to be specific), photographs, mantras and advice. With chapters like "Treat Your Career Like a Bad Boyfriend," "Plain Girl Versus the Demon" and "The Robots Will Kill Us All" Yes Please will make you think as much as it will make you laugh. Honest, personal, real, and righteous, Yes Please is full of words to live by.
Нил Патрик Харрис 4.5
Tired of memoirs that only tell you what really happened? Sick of deeply personal accounts written in the first person? Seeking an exciting, interactive read that puts the ‘u’ back in ‘aUtobiography’? Then look no further than Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography!

In this revolutionary, Joycean experiment in light celebrity narrative, actor /personality/carbon-based-life-form Neil Patrick Harris lets you, the reader, live his life. You will be born in New Mexico. You will get your big break at an acting camp. You will get into a bizarre confrontation outside a nightclub with actor Scott Caan. Even better, at each critical juncture of your life you will choose how to proceed. You will decide whether to try out for Doogie Howser, M.D. you will decide whether to spend years struggling with your sexuality. You will decide what kind of caviar you want to eat on board Elton John’s yacht. Choose incorrectly and you’ll find misery, heartbreak, and a hideous death by piranhas.

All this, plus magic tricks, cocktail recipes, embarrassing pictures from your time as a child actor, and even a closing song. Yes, if you buy one book this year, congratulations on being above the average, and make that book Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography!
Alice Clayton 4.1
In this sequel to Wallbanger, fan favorites Caroline Reynolds and Simon Parker negotiate the rollercoaster of their new relationship while house-sitting in Sausalito.

Playing house was never so much fun—or so confusing. With her boss on an extended honeymoon, Caroline’s working crazy-long hours to keep the interior design company running—especially since she’s also the lead designer for the renovation of a gorgeous old hotel. And with Simon, her hotshot photographer boyfriend, gallivanting all over the world for his job, the couple is heavy-duty into "absence makes the heart grow fonder" mode. No complaints about the great reunion sex, though!

Then a trip back east to his childhood home has Simon questioning his nomadic lifestyle. He decides to be home more. A lot more. And he wants Caroline home more, too. Though their friends’ romantic lives provide plenty of welcome distraction, eventually Caroline and Simon have to sort out their relationship. Sure, more togetherness is a good thing—but does less traveling and working have to mean the other extreme? Apple pie and picket fences? With this second book in the Cocktail series, USA TODAY bestselling author Alice Clayton delivers another delicious, frothy confection of a book, shaking up her characters, stirring in laugh-out-loud humor, and serving sizzling romance straight up!
Ханна Харт 5.0
One day, lonely cubicle dweller and otherwise bored New York City transplant Hannah Hart decided to make a fake cooking show for a friend back home in California. She opened her laptop, pulled out some bread and cheese, and then, as one does, started drinking. The video was called "Butter Yo Sh*t" and online sensation My Drunk Kitchen was born.My Drunk Kitchen (the book!) includes recipes, stories, color photographs, and tips and tricks to inspire your own adventures in tipsy cooking. Hannah offers cocktail recommendations, culinary advice (like, remember to turn off the oven when you go to bed), and shares never-before-seen recipes such as: The Hartwich (Knowledge is ingenuity! Learn from the past!) Can Bake (Inventing things is hard! You don't have to start from scratch!) Latke Shotkes (Plan ahead to avoid a night of dread!) Tiny Sandwiches (Size doesn't matter! Aim to satisfy.) Saltine Nachos (It's not about resources! It's about being resourceful.)In the end, My Drunk Kitchen may not be your go-to guide for your next dinner party... but it will make you laugh and drink... I mean think... about life.
Лина Данэм 3.4
Создательница, сценарист и исполнительница главной роли американского сериала ""Девочки"" Лина Данэм стала голосом нового поколения – тех, кому сейчас чуть больше двадцати пяти. Ее книга ""Я не такая"" -- честный, иногда шокирующий, ироничный и умный рассказ о том, каково это – быть молодой девушкой во втором десятилетии XXI века. По жанру это похоже на дневник, в котором есть и воспоминания о детстве и рассказ о каких-то недавних событиях, о людях рядом и мире вокруг.
Кристофер Мур 3.8
Итак, Венеция. Сюда Корделия посылает Кармана, дабы тот предотвратил очередной крестовый поход, который затевается интриганом Монтрезором Брабанцио, сенатором, и его подельниками – купцом Антонио и солдатом Яго. Следить за приключениями Кармана необычайно интересно и увлекательно. А иначе и быть не может — ведь все это придумал Мур…
Ян Дошер 4.4
Галактика охвачена войной. Явин-IV пал, и Вейдер злой сулит отмстить жестоко за Звезду. Повстанцы в Хота ледяном аду ведут с Империей неравный бой, во имя Дела жертвуя собой. Люк, Хан и Лея вновь разлучены и всем им испытанья суждены. Идти вперед ты мужество найди, Ведь главное сраженье — впереди! Два ярких творческих ума настолько тонко и бережно обращаются с классикой, так филигранно отмеряют юмор, трагедию и приключения, что даже у самых ярых скептиков отпадают любые сомнения: да, это действительно те самые ЗВЁЗДНЫЕ ВОЙНЫ!
Джен Манн 0.0
Jen Mann is known for her hilarious rants and funny observations on everything from parenting to gift giving to celebrity behavior to politics to her wide-spread dissertation on Elves on Shelves. Nothing is sacred and Jen does not pull punches. She just says what everyone else is thinking. This is an ideal collection for anyone who has ever (secretly) coveted a minivan, chafed at being invited to another Stella & Dot party, or been cited by the Home Owners Association for having their grass an inch too long. Think Erma Bombeck with F-bombs.
Tara Sivec 3.7
War veteran Kennedy O’Brien is in the business of sticking it to the man—or at least any man who tries to cross a woman. After she returned home from Afghanistan and caught her husband in bed with the nanny, Kennedy lost her faith in men and started Fool Me Once Investigations with her two best friends. After all, there’s no better bounty hunter than a woman scorned.

When Kennedy takes a case to slap cuffs on a bail jumper turned dog-napper, she figures it’ll be an easy paycheck. But trouble has a way of finding Kennedy. Enter the last man on the planet she’d willingly choose as a partner: her cheating ex-husband’s best friend, Griffin Crawford.

As gorgeous as he is unwelcome, Griffin has always had a thing for Kennedy, and after keeping quiet about her ex’s cheating, he’ll do anything to earn back her trust. Whether or not she wants to admit it, Kennedy will need help as the case of the Chihuahua thief spirals out of control. Griffin may be just her man—in more ways than one
Челси Хэндлер 0.0
Wherever Chelsea Handler travels, one thing is certain: she always ends up in the land of the ridiculous. Now, in this uproarious collection, she sneaks her sharp wit through airport security and delivers her most absurd and hilarious stories ever.

On safari in Africa, it's anyone's guess as to what's more dangerous: the wildlife or Chelsea. But whether she's fumbling the seduction of a guide by not knowing where tigers live (Asia, duh) or wearing a bathrobe into the bush because her clothes stopped fitting seven margaritas ago, she's always game for the next misadventure.

The situation gets down and dirty as she defiles a kayak in the Bahamas, and outright sweaty as she escapes from a German hospital on crutches. When things get truly scary, like finding herself stuck next to a passenger with bad breath, she knows she can rely on her family to make matters even worse. Thank goodness she has the devoted Chunk by her side-except for the time she loses him in Telluride.

Complete with answers to the most frequently asked traveler's questions, hot travel trips, and travel etiquette, none of which should be believed, UGANDA BE KIDDING ME has Chelsea taking on the world, one laugh-out-loud incident at a time.
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