Вручение 8 декабря 2022 г. — стр. 6

Дата проведения: 8 декабря 2022 г.

Лучшая поэзия

Аманда Горман 3.0
Formerly titled The Hill We Climb and Other Poems, the luminous poetry collection by #1 New York Times bestselling author and presidential inaugural poet Amanda Gorman captures a shipwrecked moment in time and transforms it into a lyric of hope and healing. In Call Us What We Carry, Gorman explores history, language, identity, and erasure through an imaginative and intimate collage. Harnessing the collective grief of a global pandemic, this beautifully designed volume features poems in many inventive styles and structures and shines a light on a moment of reckoning. Call Us What We Carry reveals that Gorman has become our messenger from the past, our voice for the future.
Кейт Бэр 0.0
The second full length poetry collection from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of What Kind of Woman.

Kate Baer shot into the literary stratosphere with the publication of her debut poetry collection, What Kind of Woman, which became an instant #1 New York Times bestseller.

Kate's second full-length book of traditional poetry, And Yet, dives deeper into the themes that are the hallmarks of her writing: motherhood, friendship, love, and loss. Taken together, these poems demonstrate the remarkable evolution of a writer and an artist working at the height of her craft, pushing herself and her poetry in a beautiful and impressive way.

Intimate, evocative, and bold, Kate's beguiling poetry firmly positions her in the company of Dorianne Laux, Mary Oliver, Maggie Nelson, and other great female poets of our time.
Сандра Сиснерос 0.0
A brave new collection of poems from Sandra Cisneros, the best-selling author of The House on Mango Street.

It has been twenty-eight years since Sandra Cisneros published a book of poetry. With dozens of never-before-seen poems, Woman Without Shame is a moving collection of songs, elegies, and declarations that chronicle her pilgrimage toward rebirth and the recognition of her prerogative as a woman artist. These bluntly honest and often humorous meditations on memory, desire, and the essential nature of love blaze a path toward self-awareness. For Cisneros, Woman Without Shame is the culmination of her search for home--in the Mexico of her ancestors and in her own heart.
Билли Колинз 0.0
A collection of more than 125 small poems, all of them new, each a thought or observation compressed to its emotional essence--from the former United States Poet Laureate and New York Times bestselling author of Aimless Love.

Whenever I open a book of poems, I tend to flip through looking for the small ones. Just as I might have trust in an abstract expressionist painter if I knew he or she could draw a credible chicken, I trust poets who can go short. --Billy Collins

You can spot a Billy Collins poem immediately. The amiable voice, the light touch, the sudden turn at the end. He puts the 'fun' back in profundity, says poet Alice Fulton. In his own words, his poems tend to start in Kansas and end in Oz.

Now America's favorite poet (The Wall Street Journal) has found a new form for his unique poetic style: the small poem. Here Collins writes about his trademark themes of nature, animals, poetry, mortality, absurdity, and love--all in a handful of lines. Neither haiku nor limerick, the small poem pushes to an extreme poetry's famed power to condense emotional and conceptual meaning. Inspired by the small poetry of writers as diverse as William Carlos Williams, W.S. Merwin, Kay Ryan, and Charles Simic, and written with Collins's recognizable wit and wisdom, the more than 125 new poems of Musical Tables show one of our greatest poets channeling his unique voice into a new phase of his exceptional career.
Amanda Lovelace 5.0
“life is not something that can be experienced on a deadline.”

amanda lovelace, the bestselling & award-winning author of the “women are some kind of magic” poetry series, presents unlock your storybook heart, the third & final installment in her feminist poetry series, “you are your own fairy tale.” this is a collection about being so caught up in the fable that is perfectionism that you miss out on your own life. be honest: when was the last time you stopped to take in the everyday enchantment all around you?
Ocean Vuong 3.0
The highly anticipated collection of poems from the award-winning writer Ocean Vuong

How else do we return to ourselves but to fold
The page so it points to the good part

In this deeply intimate second poetry collection, Ocean Vuong searches for life among the aftershocks of his mother’s death, embodying the paradox of sitting within grief while being determined to survive beyond it. Shifting through memory, and in concert with the themes of his novel On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, Vuong contends with personal loss, the meaning of family, and the cost of being the product of an American war in America. At once vivid, brave, and propulsive, Vuong’s poems circle fragmented lives to find both restoration as well as the epicenter of the break.

The author of the critically acclaimed poetry collection Night Sky With Exit Wounds, winner of the 2016 Whiting Award, the 2017 T. S. Eliot Prize, and a 2019 MacArthur fellow, Vuong writes directly to our humanity without losing sight of the current moment. These poems represent a more innovative and daring experimentation with language and form, illuminating how the themes we perennially live in and question are truly inexhaustible. Bold and prescient, and a testament to tenderness in the face of violence, Time Is a Mother is a return and a forging forth all at once.
Варсан Шайр 4.0
Poems of migration, womanhood, trauma, and resilience from the celebrated collaborator on Beyoncé's Lemonade and Black Is King, award-winning Somali British poet Warsan Shire.

Mama, I made it
out of your home,
alive, raised by the
voices in my head.

With her first full-length poetry collection, Warsan Shire introduces us to a young girl, who, in the absence of a nurturing guide, makes her own stumbling way towards womanhood. Drawing from her own life and the lives of loved ones, as well as pop culture and news headlines, Shire finds vivid, unique details in the experiences of refugees and immigrants, mothers and daughters, Black women, and teenage girls. In Shire's hands, lives spring into fullness. This is noisy life: full of music and weeping and surahs and sirens and birds. This is fragrant life: full of blood and perfume and shisha smoke and jasmine and incense. This is polychrome life: full of henna and moonlight and lipstick and turmeric and kohl.

The long-awaited collection from one of our most exciting contemporary poets, this book is a blessing, an incantatory celebration of resilience and survival. Each reader will come away changed.
Ф. С. Юсаф 0.0
Soft spoken yet powerful, Serenity perfectly captures the constant battle of fear and courage that lives within us.

The seeds of Serenity were planted in F.S. Yousaf’s last collection of poetry, Sincerely. Struck by inspiration and overwhelmed by the response of dedicated fans, Yousaf wanted to continue this journey in a new collection. While tales of longing, uncertainty, and loss flow through each poem, Yousaf artfully captures the eternal question of how to face pain with courage and quiet resilience.

Featuring 140 poems and accompanying illustrations, Serenity is the perfect escape from daily life, helping readers refocus energy and kindness toward themselves and their cherished relationships.
Дакота Уоррен 5.0
“On Sun Swallowing is a sweet and bloody collection of poetry, dancing in the spaces between skinned knees and red wine, satin and switchblades, rosaries and Dionysian ecstasy. Her writings are haunted by the ghosts of girlhood, god/s, lovers and the landscape of childhood, but Warren is unflinching - she haunts her ghosts in return, with sharp lyricism and cutthroat vulnerability.

On Sun Swallowing explores shadowy emotion, at times in a whisper, at times in a scream. Think: cheap cigarettes, even cheaper wine, and an oath to reach hell by midnight and be home in time for work in the morning.”

Compiling five years of poetry, prose and journal extracts, On Sun Swallowing is the debut release of Australian poet Dakota Warren. Winding through unflinchingly raw snapshots of her youth, Warren’s words are accompanied by original illustrations from Lydia Stone and curated photography from Francesca McConnell, Caroline Dare, Leche de Arte and Clara Slewa.
Фрэнни Чой 4.0
From acclaimed poet Franny Choi comes a poetry collection for the ends of worlds--past, present, and future. Choi's third book features poems about historical and impending apocalypses, alongside musings on our responsibilities to each other and visions for our collective survival.

Many have called our time dystopian. But The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On reminds us that apocalypse has already come in myriad ways for marginalized peoples and calls us to imagine what will persist in the aftermaths.

With lyric and tonal dexterity, these poems spin backwards and forwards in time. They look into the collective psyche of our years in the pandemic and in the throes of anti-racist uprisings, while imagining other vectors, directions, and futures. Stories of survival collide across space and time--from Korean comfort women during World War II to children wandering a museum in the future. These poems explore narrative distances and queer linearity, investigating on microscopic scales before soaring towards the universal. Throughout, Choi grapples with where the individual fits within the strange landscapes of this apocalyptic world, with its violent and many-layered histories. In the process, she imagines what togetherness--between Black and Asian and other marginalized communities, between living organisms, between children of calamity and conquest--could look like. Bringing together Choi's signature speculative imagination with even greater musicality than her previous work, The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On ultimately charts new paths toward hope.

Лучший дебют

Бонни Гармус 4.3

Собрано 64 107 голосов.

Все боятся Элизабет Зотт. Кто-то — ее ума, кто-то — остро заточенного карандаша, который она носит в прическе, а кто-то — четырнадцатидюймового ножа из ее сумочки (ведь каждый уважающий себя кулинар пользуется только своими собственными ножами). Причудливый зигзаг судьбы привел ее из Научно-исследовательского института Гастингса, где она мечтала заниматься абиогенезом (теорией возникновения жизни из неорганических веществ), на телевидение, где она ведет самую популярную в стране кулинарную передачу «Ужин в шесть». «Кулинария — это химия, — говорит она. — А химия — это жизнь. Она дает нам возможность изменить все, включая себя». Тем временем ее пятилетняя дочь Мадлен, растущая под присмотром минно-розыскного пса по кличке Шесть-Тридцать, пытается найти в школьной библиотеке Набокова и Нормана Мейлера, а также выстроить родословное древо, на котором должно найтись место и без пяти минут нобелевскому лауреату по химии Кальвину Эвансу, и фее-крестной, и деду в полосатой тюремной робе, и бабке, укрывшейся от налоговой полиции в Бразилии...
Шелби ван Пелт 4.3
После смерти мужа Това работает ночной уборщицей в океанариуме городка Соуэлл-Бэй, моет полы, полирует стекла и... беседует с морскими обитателями. Работа помогает Тове справляться с горем, которое с ней уже тридцать лет — с того дня, когда таинственно исчез ее восемнадцатилетний сын Эрик. В океанариуме есть особенный обитатель — немолодой гигантский осьминог по имени Марцелл, философ и наблюдатель. Марцелл настоящий интеллектуал, ему скучно в тесном аквариуме, и развлекается он, решая людские загадки. Но свой ум он тщательно скрывает — ото всех, кроме Товы. Марцелла интригует эта женщина, печальная и забавная. Однажды в городок приезжает незадачливый парень, который тоже пытается разгадать загадку — загадку своей жизни. И у Марцелла появляется еще одна цель.
Шармейн Уилкерсон 3.8
В детстве Байрон и Бенни были неразлучны, однако, повзрослев, брат и сестра не только отдалились друг от друга, но и вообще перестали общаться. Впервые за восемь лет они встречаются на похоронах Элинор, их матери, которая вместе с завещанием оставила им в наследство испеченный ею черный торт, символизирующий в их семье счастье и любовь, — оставила в надежде, что Байрон и Бенни сумеют преодолеть разногласия и восстановить былую дружбу. А еще — аудиозапись, так как повзрослевшие дети должны наконец узнать скрываемую много лет правду о своей семье, о своем происхождении и о том, что у них есть сестра... Дебютный роман Шармейн Уилкерсон — это эмоционально и красиво написанный рассказ о семье, жизнь которой навсегда изменилась в результате выбора, сделанного Элинор в юности.
Сью Линн Тань 4.1
Синъинь — дочь богини, приговоренной Небесным императором к вечному заточению на Луне. Само существование Синъинь должно оставаться тайной, и когда магия девушки вызывает изменения в ауре Луны, она вынуждена бежать из дома, пообещав однажды освободить и мать.

Она попадает в Небесную империю, где изучает боевые искусства вместе с наследным принцем, столь непохожим на своего отца. В надежде заслужить милость императора для Лунной богини, Синъинь отправляется в путешествие по земле и небу, сталкиваясь с легендарными монстрами и древними драконами. Но когда запретная магия погружает империю в хаос, дочь Лунной богини заключает опасную сделку, рискуя потерять все, что ей дорого.
Стейси Уиллингхэм 3.8
Отец Хлои Дэвис – серийный убийца. Ей было всего двенадцать, когда папа получил шесть пожизненных за убийство шести девочек – ее подруг. Именно Хлоя нашла главные доказательства его вины. Но тела жертв так и остались лежать где-то посреди луизианских болот.

Его преступления преследуют дочь зловещей тенью. Хлоя смогла по осколкам собрать свою разбитую жизнь. Теперь она уважаемый подростковый психолог и счастливая невеста. Впрочем, это не избавило ее саму от ПТСР и паранойи. Девушка все время ждет чего-то ужасного.

И теперь ее страхи воплотились в реальность. Через двадцать лет после отцовских убийств кошмарные события повторяются. Пропала девочка. Потом другая – ее пациентка. Может, это безумие – искать в новых исчезновениях отголоски прошлого? Или… Ей предстоит разоблачить изверга еще раз?
Вайшнави Патель 3.8
“I was born on the full moon under an auspicious constellation, the holiest of positions — much good it did me.”

So begins Kaikeyi’s story. The only daughter of the kingdom of Kekaya, she is raised on tales about the might and benevolence of the gods: how they churned the vast ocean to obtain the nectar of immortality, how they vanquish evil and ensure the land of Bharat prospers, and how they offer powerful boons to the devout and the wise. Yet she watches as her father unceremoniously banishes her mother, listens as her own worth is reduced to how great a marriage alliance she can secure. And when she calls upon the gods for help, they never seem to hear.

Desperate for some measure of independence, she turns to the texts she once read with her mother and discovers a magic that is hers alone. With this power, Kaikeyi transforms herself from an overlooked princess into a warrior, diplomat, and most favored queen, determined to carve a better world for herself and the women around her.

But as the evil from her childhood stories threatens the cosmic order, the path she has forged clashes with the destiny the gods have chosen for her family. And Kaikeyi must decide if resistance is worth the destruction it will wreak — and what legacy she intends to leave behind.

A stunning debut from a powerful new voice, Kaikeyi is a tale of fate, family, courage, and heartbreak—of an extraordinary woman determined to leave her mark in a world where gods and men dictate the shape of things to come.
Нита Проуз 3.6
Молли Грей никогда в жизни не видела своих родителей. Воспитанная любящей и мудрой бабушкой, она работает горничной в отеле и считает это своим призванием, ведь наводить чистоту и порядок — ее подлинная страсть! А вот отношения с людьми у нее не слишком ладятся, поскольку Молли с детства была не такой, как все. Коллеги считают ее более чем странной, и у них есть на то основания. Так что в свои двадцать пять Молли одинока и в свободное от работы время то смотрит детективные сериалы, то собирает головоломки... Однако вскоре ее собственная жизнь превращается в детектив, в котором ей отведена роль главной подозреваемой, — убит постоялец отеля, богатый и могущественный мистер Блэк. Теперь Молли предстоит решить исключительно важную головоломку или закончить свои дни в тюрьме...
Ashley Flowers 3.8
In the propulsive debut novel from the host of the #1 true crime podcast "Crime Junkie," a journalist uncovers her hometown’s dark secrets when she becomes obsessed with the unsolved murder of her childhood neighbor—and the disappearance of another girl twenty years later.

Everyone from Wakarusa, Indiana, remembers the case of January Jacobs, who was found dead in a ditch hours after her family awoke to find her gone. Margot Davies was six at the time, the same age as January—and they were next-door neighbors. In the twenty years since, Margot has grown up, moved away, and become a big-city journalist, but she’s always been haunted by the fear that it could’ve been her. And the worst part is, January’s killer has never been brought to justice.

When Margot returns home to help care for her sick uncle, it feels like walking into a time capsule. Wakarusa is exactly how she remembered: genial, stifled, secretive. Then news breaks about five-year-old Natalie Clark from the next town over, who’s gone missing under eerily similar circumstances. With all the old feelings rushing back, Margot vows to find Natalie and solve January’s murder once and for all.

But the police, the family, the townspeople—they all seem to be hiding something. And the deeper Margot digs into Natalie’s disappearance, the more resistance she encounters, and the colder January’s case feels. Could the killer still be out there? Could it be the same person who kidnapped Natalie? And what will it cost to finally discover what truly happened that night?
Коко Меллорс 4.1
For readers of Modern Lovers and Conversations with Friends, an addictive, humorous, and poignant debut novel about the shock waves caused by one couple's impulsive marriage.

Twenty-four-year-old British painter Cleo has escaped from England to New York and is still finding her place in the sleepless city when, a few months before her student visa ends, she meets Frank. Twenty years older and a self-made success, Frank's life is full of all the excesses Cleo's lacks. He offers her the chance to be happy, the freedom to paint, and the opportunity to apply for a Green Card. But their impulsive marriage irreversibly changes both their lives, and the lives of those close to them, in ways they never could've predicted.

Each compulsively readable chapter explores the lives of Cleo, Frank, and an unforgettable cast of their closest friends and family as they grow up and grow older. Whether it's Cleo's best friend struggling to embrace his gender queerness in the wake of Cleo's marriage, or Frank's financially dependent sister arranging sugar daddy dates to support herself after being cut off, or Cleo and Frank themselves as they discover the trials of marriage and mental illness, each character is as absorbing, and painfully relatable, as the last.

As hilarious as it is heartbreaking, entertaining as it is deeply moving, Cleopatra and Frankenstein marks the entry of a brilliant and bold new talent.
Карли Форчун 3.9
Six summers to fall in love. One moment to fall apart. A weekend to get it right.

They say you can never go home again, and for Persephone Fraser, ever since she made the biggest mistake of her life a decade ago, that has felt too true. Instead of glittering summers on the lakeshore of her childhood, she spends them in a stylish apartment in the city, going out with friends, and keeping everyone a safe distance from her heart.

Until she receives the call that sends her racing back to Barry’s Bay and into the orbit of Sam Florek—the man she never thought she’d have to live without.

For six summers, through hazy afternoons on the water and warm summer nights working in his family’s restaurant and curling up together with books—medical textbooks for him and work-in-progress horror short stories for her—Percy and Sam had been inseparable. Eventually that friendship turned into something breathtakingly more, before it fell spectacularly apart.

When Percy returns to the lake for Sam’s mother’s funeral, their connection is as undeniable as it had always been. But until Percy can confront the decisions she made and the years she’s spent punishing herself for them, they’ll never know whether their love might be bigger than the biggest mistakes of their past.

Told over the course of six years and one weekend, Every Summer After is a big, sweeping nostalgic look at love and the people and choices that mark us forever.
Изабель Каньяс 3.8
Как быть юной Беатрис, когда ее отец убит, их дом сожжён, а им с матерью приходится прислуживать знатным родственникам? Все меняет предложение богатого землевладельца Родольфо Солорсано. И не важно, что смерть его первой жены выглядит подозрительно. Беатрис нужен собственный дом.

Но поместье — асьенда Сан-Исидро — оказалось вовсе не тем убежищем, которого искала девушка. С отъездом мужа каждую ночь ее одолевают жуткие и слишком похожие на реальность кошмары. Хуана, сестра Родольфо, смеется над страхами Беатрис. Но почему тогда она сама отказывается входить в дом с наступлением ночи? Зачем кухарка украшает дверной проем кухни странными символами и жжет копаловые благовония, изгоняющие злых духов? И что на самом деле случилось с первой доньей Солорсано?

Беатрис обращается за помощью к падре Андресу. Молодой священник, скрывающий от всех свою истинную натуру ведуна, испытывает к девушке непреодолимое запретное влечение. Он должен совершить немыслимое, чтобы защитить ее и очистить асьенду от тьмы. Если они проиграют, его ждет огонь Инквизиции, а ее — вечное заточение в стенах этого дома…

Лучшая проза для молодежи

Дженнифер Линн Барнс 4.4

Собрано 72 606 голосов.

Эйвери Грэмбс нужно всего лишь прожить в особняке Хоторнов до своего совершеннолетия, чтобы получить наследство. Но это не так-то просто. Папарацци преследуют ее на каждом шагу, и ее жизни постоянно грозит опасность. Только поддержка братьев помогает Эйвери все это выдержать.

Она считала, что раскрыла все тайны семьи Хоторнов, пока на пороге ее дома внезапно не появился незваный гость. Осталось решить последнюю загадку. Эйвери и братьям вновь предстоит сразиться с могущественным противником. На этот раз на кон поставлено все.
Кейси Маккуистон 3.7
Хлоя Грин как никогда близка к победе. После переезда в Алабаму она провела четыре долгих года, избегая сплетен, одноклассников и администрации академии Уиллоугроув. Еще чуть-чуть — и статус лучшей ученицы школы будет у нее в кармане. Ее единственная соперница — Шара Уилер, дочь директора, идеальная буквально во всем.

Но за месяц до выпускного Шара целует Хлою и исчезает.

В поисках ответов Хлоя обнаруживает, что она была не единственной, с кем Шара контактировала до того, как пропала. Есть еще Смит, парень Шары, и Рори, парень по соседству, которому она нравилась. У всех троих нет ничего общего, кроме таинственных записок.

Вместе они должны найти Шару, ведь как иначе Хлоя победит ее в честном бою?

Необычное трио отправляется в погоню за призраком через вечеринки, взломы и загадки. Со временем Хлоя начинает подозревать, что в этом маленьком городке творится гораздо больше странных вещей, чем она думала. И возможно — просто возможно, — Шара тоже была гораздо сложнее.
Ланкали 0.0
Against the unforgiving landscape of a hospital, I fell in love with a mischievous, sun-eyed boy who became my only joy in that desolate place. That’s what made it all the more soul-crushing when he committed suicide in front of me.

Since then, I've sworn never to love anyone again. With three exceptions: My friends, Sony, Neo, and Coeur, a little gang of rebellious, dying kids. Sony leads the charge with the air of freedom and only one lung to breathe it. Neo, a bad-tempered and wheel-chaired writer, keeps track of our great deeds from stealing to terrorizing our nurse. Coeur is the beautiful boy, the muscle, the gentle giant with a failing heart.

Before death inevitably knocks down our doors, my thieves and I have one last heist planned. A great escape that will take us far from abusive parents, crippling loss, and the realities of our diseases. So what happens when someone else walks through the door? What happens when a girl joins our party and renders me speechless with her mischievous smile? What happens when she has suns in her eyes, and as terrified as I am to lose again, I start to fall?
Э. Локхарт 3.8
The prequel to We Were Liars takes readers back to the story of another summer, another generation, and the secrets that will haunt them for decades to come.

A windswept private island off the coast of Massachusetts.
A hungry ocean, churning with secrets and sorrow.
A fiery, addicted heiress. An irresistible, unpredictable boy.
A summer of unforgivable betrayal and terrible mistakes.

Welcome back to the Sinclair family.
They were always liars.
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