Вручение 30 августа 2013 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: 71-й Всемирный конвент (LoneStarCon 3), Сан-Антонио, штат Техас Дата проведения: 30 августа 2013 г.


Cory Doctorow 3.3
Trent McCauley is sixteen, brilliant, and obsessed with one thing: making movies on his computer by reassembling footage from popular films he downloads from the net. In near-future Britain, this is more illegal than ever. The punishment for being caught three times is to cut off your entire household from the internet for a year - no work, school, health or money benefits.

Trent thinks he is too clever for that to happen, but it does, and nearly destroys his family. Shamed and shattered, Trent runs away to London, where slowly he learns the ways of staying alive on the streets. He joins artists and activists fighting a new bill that will jail too many, especially minors, at one stroke. Jem introduces him to the Jammie Dodgers, beautiful brilliant "26" to love and cemetery parties.

Things look bad. Parliament is in power of a few wealthy media conglomerates. But the powers-that-be haven’t entirely reckoned with the power of a gripping movie to change people’s minds ...
Tobias S. Buckell 0.0
New York Times bestselling author Tobias S.Buckell shows us a chilling future in Arctic Rising.
The Arctic Ice Cap has all but melted, and the international community is racing to claim the massive amounts of oil beneath the newly accessible ocean. Enter the Gaia Corporation. Its two founders plan to terraform Earth to save it from itself - but in doing so, they may have created a superweapon the likes of which the world has never seen. Anika Duncan, a pilot for the United Nations Polar Guard, finds herself caught up in a plot by military agencies and corporations who want the Gaia Corporation stopped. But when Gaia loses control of its superweapon, it will be Anika who has to decide the future of the world.
Sarah A. Hoyt 0.0
Entry number two in Sarah A. Hoyt’s rollicking and popular Darkship series, sequel to Darkship Thieves,and winner of the Prometheus Award. After rescuing her star pilot husband and discovering the dark secret of her own past on Earth, Athena Hera Sinistra returns to space habitat Eden to start life anew. Not happening. Thena and Kit are placed under arrest for the crime of coming back alive. The only escape from a death sentence: return to Earth and bring back the lost method for creating the Powertrees, the energy source of both Eden and Earth whose technological origins have been lost to war. But that mission is secondary to a greater imperative. Above all else, Thena must not get caught. If she does, then suicide is to be the only option.

With the odds heavily stacked against not only success, but survival, Thena comes to understand what her cynical accusers do not: it is not merely one woman’s life on the line anymore. For it’s on Earth where the adventure truly begins. Thena realizes that what is truly at stake is the fate of Eden and Earth alike, the continuance of the darkship fleet–and freedom for all in the Solar system–and beyond.
Daniel Suarez 0.0
The shocking techno-thriller that cements Daniel Suarez’s status as the heir to Michael Crichton and Tom Clancy—a terrifying, breathtaking, and all-too-plausible vision of the world’s near future.

Unmanned weaponized drones already exist—they’re widely used by America in our war efforts in the Middle East. In Kill Decision, bestselling author Daniel Suarez takes that fact and the real science behind it one step further, with frightening results.

Linda McKinney is a myrmecologist, a scientist who studies the social structure of ants. Her academic career has left her entirely unprepared for the day her sophisticated research is conscripted by unknown forces to help run an unmanned—and thanks to her research, automated—drone army. Odin is the secretive Special Ops soldier with a unique insight into the faceless enemy who has begun to attack the American homeland with drones programmed to seek, identify, and execute targets without human intervention.

Together, McKinney and Odin must slow this advance long enough for the world to recognize its destructive power, because for thousands of years the “kill decision” during battle has remained in the hands of humans—and off-loading that responsibility to machines will bring unintended, possibly irreversible, consequences. But as forces even McKinney and Odin don’t understand begin to gather, and death rains down from above, it may already be too late to save humankind from destruction at the hands of our own technology.
Дэни Коллин, Эйтан Коллин 0.0
Sandra O'Toole is the president of the Outer Alliance, which stretches from the asteroid belt to the Oort Cloud beyond Pluto. Resurrected following the death of Justin Cord, the unincorporated man, O'Toole has become a powerful political figure and a Machiavellian leader determined to win the Civil War against the inner planets at almost any cost. And the war has been going badly, in part because of the great General Trang, a fit opponent for the brilliant J. D. Black. Choices have to be made to abandon some of the moral principles upon which the revolution was founded. It is a time of great heroism and great betrayal, madness, sacrifice, and shocking military conflict. Nothing is predictable, even the behavior of artificial intelligences. There may be only one way out, but it is not surrender.

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Нил Стивенсон 4.4
Действие этого романа разворачивается в двух временных периодах: в 40-е, когда группа специалистов-дешифровщиков пытается взломать немецкую систему кодировки, и в настоящее время, когда внуки членов этой группы вовлечены в процесс поиска некой партии золота, пропавшей в ту самую Вторую Мировую.
Прочитав эту книгу, вы также узнаете много полезной и интересной информации о причинах появления современных компьютеров, о ключевой роли информации в войнах и экономике, а также о сходных способах работы компьютера, шифровальной машины, церковного органа, человеческого мозга и Вселенной.
Редьярд Киплинг 5.0
Середина двадцать первого века. Район Северный Иллинойс внезапно отключился от планетарной сети, его представители предъявляют прибывшим из Лондона представителям Воздушного Контрольного Совета странные требования — что-то о свободе собраний и волеизъявлении посредством сбора каких-то бумажек с какими-то пометками...
Donald Kingsbury 0.0
A vast alien landscape, a human culture based on our own, yet evolved in strange ways by the forces of an inimical nature provide a panoramic backdrop for the romantic adventures of a large cast of memorable & attractive characters.
Courtship Rite is a sf novel by American writer Donald Kingsbury, originally serialized in Analog magazine in 1982. The book is set in the same universe as some of his other stories, such as Shipwright (1978) & the unpublished The Finger Pointing Solward. In the UK, the novel was entitled Geta, in France, Parade nuptiale. Courtship Rite was the 1st winner of the Compton Crook Award for best 1st novel & was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1983.
The novel details the attempts of two of the priest-clans, the Kaiel & the Mnankrei, to expand into territory controlled by the Stgal. Ultimately, all the priest clans are trying to attain dominance of the planet through the use of new technology, propaganda, treachery & "war", a new concept in this world. Previously, killing was done merely in order to provide food.
Jo Walton remarked that Courtship Rite "is about a distant generation of colonists on a planet with no usable animals. This is the book with everything, where everything includes cannibalism, polyamory, evolution & getting tattoos so your skin will make more interesting leather when you’re dead."
Лоис Макмастер Буджолд 4.0
Действие романа происходит за 200 лет до рождения Майлза. Методами генной инженерии созданы квадди — существа, приспособленные к жизни в условиях невесомости. Главный герой, специалист по сварке в космосе, прибывает на космическую станцию для обучения квадди, но в итоге оказывается, что это совсем еще подростки, которых нагло и беззастенчиво эксплуатирует галактический «империализм». Под руководством главного героя квадди должны обрести свободу...
Харлан Эллисон 3.9
В один прекрасный день мы перестанем быть хозяевами времени, время станет нашим хозяином. Мы превратимся в рабов расписания. С 2389 года каждый человек будет иметь индивидуальную карточку времени и кардиопластинку. Это позволит сокращать жизнь человека — опоздал на десять минут на работу, потерял десять минут жизни. Если кто-то опаздывает систематически, то в один прекрасный день к нему придёт уведомление, что время его жизни вышло, и в понедельник он будет «отключён», его сердце остановится. «До понедельника закончите Ваши дела, Сэр…» Это было очень удобно, это было рационально. Это было точно по расписанию. Но нашёлся один бунтарь, который пошёл против системы… Конечно, он свой бой проиграл. Но система уже начала давать трещину…
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