Вручение 2014 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2014 г.

Книги для подростков

Холли Смейл 4.0
Гарриет Мэннерс - гик, и она знает много всего, например:
- С какой скоростью бьётся сердце колибри,
- Что такое гипервентиляция легких,
- Причины Первой Мировой войны.

Но она ничего не знает о моде. Она не умеет одеваться, краситься и вообще не представляет себя в одежде, отличной от джинсов и толстовки или школьной формы. Но именно ей выпадает шанс стать новым лицом фирмы "Baylee", участвовать в модных показах и попасть на страницы культовых глянцевых журналов. Сможет ли Гарриет в одночасье превратиться из неуклюжей, неловкой девушки, над которой смеются одноклассники, в новую звезду мира моды, а главное - остаться самой собой?
Алексия Казале 0.0
Evie's shattered ribs have been a secret for the last four years. Now she has found the strength to tell her adoptive parents, and the physical traces of her past are fixed - the only remaining signs a scar on her side and a fragment of bone taken home from the hospital, which her uncle Ben helps her to carve into a dragon as a sign of her strength.

Soon this ivory talisman begins to come to life at night, offering wisdom and encouragement in roaming dreams of smoke and moonlight that come to feel ever more real.

As Evie grows stronger there remains one problem her new parents can't fix for her: a revenge that must be taken. And it seems that the Dragon is the one to take it.

This subtly unsettling novel is told from the viewpoint of a fourteen-year-old girl damaged by a past she can't talk about, in a hypnotic narrative that, while giving increasing insight, also becomes increasingly unreliable.

A blend of psychological thriller and fairytale, The Bone Dragon explores the fragile boundaries between real life and fantasy, and the darkest corners of the human mind.
Эрин Джейд Ланге 4.2
A lonely obese boy everyone calls "Butter" is about to make history. He is going to eat himself to death-live on the Internet-and everyone is invited to watch. When he first makes the announcement online to his classmates, Butter expects pity, insults, and possibly sheer indifference. What he gets are morbid cheerleaders rallying around his deadly plan.

Yet as their dark encouragement grows, it begins to feel a lot like popularity. And that feels good. But what happens when Butter reaches his suicide deadline? Can he live with the fallout if he doesn't go through with his plans?
Эмили Мердок 3.4
A broken-down camper hidden deep in a national forest is the only home fifteen-year-old Carey can remember. The trees keep guard over her threadbare existence, with the one bright spot being Carey’s younger sister, Jenessa, who depends on Carey for her very survival. All they have is each other, as their mentally ill mother comes and goes with greater frequency. Until that one fateful day their mother disappears for good, and two strangers arrive. Suddenly, the girls are taken from the woods and thrust into a bright and perplexing new world of high school, clothes and boys.

Now, Carey must face the truth of why her mother abducted her ten years ago, while haunted by a past that won’t let her go… a dark past that hides many a secret, including the reason Jenessa hasn’t spoken a word in over a year. Carey knows she must keep her sister close, and her secrets even closer, or risk watching her new life come crashing down.
Дон О'Портер 0.0
I just can't imagine me without you... It's the mid-1990s, and fifteen year-old Guernsey schoolgirls, Renée and Flo, are not really meant to be friends. Thoughtful, introspective and studious Flo couldn't be more different to ambitious, extroverted and sexually curious Renée. But Renée and Flo are united by loneliness and their dysfunctional families, and an intense bond is formed. Although there are obstacles to their friendship (namely Flo's jealous ex-best friend and Renée's growing infatuation with Flo's brother), fifteen is an age where anything can happen, where life stretches out before you, and when every betrayal feels like the end of the world. For Renée and Flo it is the time of their lives. With graphic content and some scenes of a sexual nature, PAPER AEROPLANES is a gritty, poignant, often laugh-out-loud funny and powerful novel. It is an unforgettable snapshot of small-town adolescence and the heart-stopping power of female friendship.
Ruta Sepetys 4.0
It’s 1950, and as the French Quarter of New Orleans simmers with secrets, seventeen-year-old Josie Moraine is silently stirring a pot of her own. Known among locals as the daughter of a brothel prostitute, Josie wants more out of life than the Big Easy has to offer.

She devises a plan get out, but a mysterious death in the Quarter leaves Josie tangled in an investigation that will challenge her allegiance to her mother, her conscience, and Willie Woodley, the brusque madam on Conti Street. Josie is caught between the dream of an elite college and a clandestine underworld. New Orleans lures her in her quest for truth, dangling temptation at every turn, and escalating to the ultimate test.

With characters as captivating as those in her internationally bestselling novel Between Shades of Gray, Ruta Sepetys skillfully creates a rich story of secrets, lies, and the haunting reminder that decisions can shape our destiny.

Книги для детей 5-12 лет

Кэтрин Ранделл 4.1

Абсолютный победитель.

Все думают, что Софи сирота. Совсем малышкой ее спас эксцентричный ученый Чарльз - девочка плавала по Ла-Маншу в футляре для виолончели, завернутая в партитуру Бетховена. Жизнь в доме Чарльза оказалась по душе Софи, но строгий опекунский совет решил, что холостяцкая квартира не самое лучшее место для юной леди. Софи и Чарльз уезжают в Париж: возможно, там получится отыскать мать Софи. Спасаясь от французской полиции на крыше отеля, Софи знакомится с беспризорником Маттео - королем парижских крыш. Вместе они отправляются в опасное приключение, прочесывая город в поисках матери Софи, прежде чем девочку поймают и отправят обратно в Лондон и, самое главное, прежде чем она потеряет надежду.

Роман лауреата нескольких литературных премий Великобритании придется по вкусу поклонникам творчества Лемони Сникета и Корнелии Функе. И всем, кто верит в то, что невозможное возможно.
Соман Чайнани 4.2
Городок Гавальдон замер в ожидании. Этой ночью сюда явится таинственный похититель, он выберет двух подростков и перенесет их в школу Добра и Зла. Один из них будет красивым и добрым, а второй – неказистым и нелюдимым. А потом пропавшие дети обнаружатся… на страницах сказок. Звучит невероятно, но именно это происходит каждые четыре года вот уже двести лет. И прекрасная Софи твердо намерена стать одной из тех, кого сегодня похитят. Она считает себя настоящей принцессой и мечтает выйти замуж за сказочного принца. А вот ее лучшая подруга, мрачная нелюдимая Агата, в волшебный мир совсем не рвется. Но то, что скоро произойдет, удивит и Софи, и Агату…
Laura Dockrill 0.0
Introducing Darcy Burdock, a new, cool, all-conquering girl character with a fresh and distinctive take on the world.
Ten-year-old Darcy is one of life's noticers. Curious, smart-as-a-whip, funny and fiercely loyal, she sees the extraordinary in the everyday and the wonder in the world around her.
Эмеральд Феннел 0.0
They slowed as they reached the gate; two stone columns, each with its own crumbling angel perched on top. The angels held up a rusty, wrought-iron arch that read, in curling, serpentine letters: SHIVERTON HALL.

Arthur Bannister has been unexpectedly accepted into Shiverton Hall, which, as it turns out, is an incredibly spooky school, full of surprises. And it is just as well that Shiverton Hall has made its offer, because Arthur had a horrible time at his previous school, and was desperate to leave. Timely indeed . . .

But Arthur has no time to worry about the strange coincidence. He is too busy trying to make head or tail of Shiverton Hall, dogged as it is by tales of curses and bad fortune. At least there are a few friendly faces: George, who shows him around; also Penny and Jake. But not all the faces are friendly. There are the bullying Forge triplets for starters. And then there is the acid tongue of the headmistress, Professor Long-Pitt, who seems to go out of her way to make Arthur's life a misery.

Luckily Arthur has his new friends to cheer him up. Although there are some friends that you don't want to have at all, as Arthur is soon to find out.
Сандра Гривз 0.0
Deep on Dartmoor, cousins Matt and Tilda discover a skull. And from that moment black things happen. Birds and animals turn bad, and there's talk of the return of an old curse.
Пирс Тордей 4.0
In a world where animals no longer exist, twelve-year-old Kester Jaynes sometimes feels like he hardly exists either. Locked away in a home for troubled children, he's told there's something wrong with him. So when he meets a flock of talking pigeons and a bossy cockroach, Kester thinks he's finally gone crazy. But the animals have something to say. And they need him. The pigeons fly Kester to a wild place where the last creatures in the land have survived. A wise stag needs Kester's help, and together they must embark on a great journey, joined along the way by an overenthusiastic wolf cub, a military-trained cockroach, a mouse with a ritual for everything, and a stubborn girl named Polly. The animals saved Kester Jaynes. But can Kester save the animals?

Иллюстрированная книга для детей

Ник Бромли 5.0
Эта интерактивная книга начинает играть с читателем с первой же страницы: оказывается, что в сказку про гадкого утенка вдруг ни с того ни с сего пробрался… огромный крокодил! Крокодил безобразничает, рвёт страницы и глотает буквы - и читателю предстоит помочь утёнку справиться с этим хулиганом. Не так уж просто выбраться из книжки тому, что уже попал в неё, но крокодил находит удивительный способ!
Книга не только смешит и удивляет - это история, в которой ребенок принимает непосредственное участие! Нужно то покачать книгу, то потрясти, восстановить слова, которые съел крокодил, - и даже если ребенок не очень любит читать, эту книгу он прочтет точно. А если ещё не умеет, то сможет разделить это приключение с родителями - и всем будет одинаково весело!
Ясмин Исмаил 0.0
Meet Fred - a boisterous, fun-loving dog who is full of energy and mischief.