Вручение 8 декабря 2022 г.

Дата проведения: 8 декабря 2022 г.

Лучшая проза

Габриэль Зевин 4.2

Собрано 90 971 голосов.

Холодным декабрьским днем, торопясь на занятия в Гарвард, Сэм случайно встречает в метро Сэди — подругу детства, которую не видел восемь лет. Эта встреча переворачивает их жизни: молодые, амбициозные и увлеченные одной идеей, друзья начинают работу над проектом — видеоигрой «Итиго, дитя моря». Их детище в одночасье становится хитом: к Сэму и Сэди приходят слава и деньги. Но что, если цена этого успеха окажется слишком высокой?
Hanya Yanagihara 4.0
From the author of the classic A Little Life—a bold, brilliant novel spanning three centuries and three different versions of the American experiment, about lovers, family, loss and the elusive promise of utopia.

In an alternate version of 1893 America, New York is part of the Free States, where people may live and love whomever they please (or so it seems). The fragile young scion of a distinguished family resists betrothal to a worthy suitor, drawn to a charming music teacher of no means. In a 1993 Manhattan besieged by the AIDS epidemic, a young Hawaiian man lives with his much older, wealthier partner, hiding his troubled childhood and the fate of his father. And in 2093, in a world riven by plagues and governed by totalitarian rule, a powerful scientist’s damaged granddaughter tries to navigate life without him—and solve the mystery of her husband’s disappearances.

These three sections are joined in an enthralling and ingenious symphony, as recurring notes and themes deepen and enrich one another: A townhouse in Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village; illness, and treatments that come at a terrible cost; wealth and squalor; the weak and the strong; race; the definition of family, and of nationhood; the dangerous righteousness of the powerful, and of revolutionaries; the longing to find a place in an earthly paradise, and the gradual realization that it can’t exist. What unites not just the characters, but these Americas, are their reckonings with the qualities that make us human: Fear. Love. Shame. Need. Loneliness.

To Paradise is a fin de siecle novel of marvelous literary effect, but above all it is a work of emotional genius. The great power of this remarkable novel is driven by Yanagihara’s understanding of the aching desire to protect those we love—partners, lovers, children, friends, family and even our fellow citizens—and the pain that ensues when we cannot.
Элин Хилдербранд 4.1
Fresh off a bad breakup with a longtime boyfriend, Nantucket sweetheart Lizbet Keaton is desperately seeking a second act. When she’s named the new general manager of the Hotel Nantucket, a once Gilded Age gem turned abandoned eyesore, she hopes that her local expertise and charismatic staff can win the favor of their new London billionaire owner, Xavier Darling, as well as that of Shelly Carpenter, the wildly popular Instagram tastemaker who can help put them back on the map. And while the Hotel Nantucket appears to be a blissful paradise, complete with a celebrity chef-run restaurant and an idyllic wellness center, there’s a lot of drama behind closed doors. The staff (and guests) have complicated pasts, and the hotel can’t seem to overcome the bad reputation it earned in 1922 when a tragic fire killed nineteen-year-old chambermaid Grace Hadley. With Grace gleefully haunting the halls, a staff harboring all kinds of secrets, and Lizbet’s own romantic uncertainty, is the Hotel Nantucket destined for success or doom?

Filled with the emotional depth and multiple points of view that characterize Hilderbrand’s novels (The Blue Bistro, Golden Girl) as well as an added dash of Roaring Twenties history, The Hotel Nantucket offers something for everyone in this compelling summer drama.
Фредрик Бакман 4.6
Det här är en liten berättelse om stora frågor: Vad är en familj? Vad är en hockeyklubb? Vad är ett samhälle? Och vad är vi redo att offra för att skydda dem?
Det har gått två år sedan allt som ingen vill tänka på hände, alla har försökt gå vidare men något med den här delen av skogen låter oss aldrig riktigt göra det. Vi är en stad med sorg i hjärtat och våld i luften, vi älskar sagor med lyckliga slut men innerst inne visste vi nog alltid att det här inte var en sådan. Det börjar med en storm, den här gången, och slutar med en eld. Någon som har varit borta länge är på väg hem. Någon begravs. Någon blir kär, någon drömmer om NHL och någon drömmer om hämnd. Någon sover rygg mot rygg med sin bästa vän, någon försöker laga sitt äktenskap och någon försöker rädda sina barn. Någon hatar, någon slåss, någon tar ett skjutvapen och går mot en ishall. Allt vi kämpat för kommer inte överleva, alla vi älskar kommer inte bli gamla. Så vad är en familj? En hockeyklubb? Ett samhälle? De är summan av våra val. Vad är vi redo att offra för att skydda dem?
Allt. Bara allt.
Detta är den sista delen i Fredrik Backmans älskade trilogi om Björnstad. De två första böckerna, "Björnstad" och "Vi mot er", nådde New York Times bästsäljarlista och blev tv-serie på HBO. "Vinnarna" är ett drabbande, våldsamt och djupt kärleksfullt slut på historien om hockeystaden och dess människor.
Jodi Picoult 4.0
Diana O’Toole is perfectly on track. She will be married by thirty, done having kids by thirty-five, and move out to the New York City suburbs, all while climbing the professional ladder in the cutthroat art auction world. She’s an associate specialist at Sotheby’s now, but her boss has hinted at a promotion if she can close a deal with a high-profile client. She’s not engaged just yet, but she knows her boyfriend, Finn, a surgical resident, is about to propose on their romantic getaway to the Galápagos—days before her thirtieth birthday. Right on time.

But then a virus that felt worlds away has appeared in the city, and on the eve of their departure, Finn breaks the news: It’s all hands on deck at the hospital. He has to stay behind. You should still go, he assures her, since it would be a shame for all of their nonrefundable trip to go to waste. And so, reluctantly, she goes.

Almost immediately, Diana’s dream vacation goes awry. Her luggage is lost, the Wi-Fi is nearly nonexistent, and the hotel they’d booked is shut down due to the pandemic. In fact, the whole island is now under quarantine, and she is stranded until the borders reopen. Completely isolated, she must venture beyond her comfort zone. Slowly, she carves out a connection with a local family when a teenager with a secret opens up to Diana, despite her father’s suspicion of outsiders.

In the Galápagos Islands, where Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection was formed, Diana finds herself examining her relationships, her choices, and herself—and wondering if when she goes home, she too will have evolved into someone completely different.
Селесте Инг 3.8
Twelve-year-old Bird Gardner lives a quiet existence with his loving but broken father, a former linguist who now shelves books in Harvard University’s library. Bird knows to not ask too many questions, stand out too much, or stray too far. For a decade, their lives have been governed by laws written to preserve “American culture” in the wake of years of economic instability and violence. To keep the peace and restore prosperity, the authorities are now allowed to relocate children of dissidents, especially those of Asian origin, and libraries have been forced to remove books seen as unpatriotic—including the work of Bird’s mother, Margaret, a Chinese American poet who left the family when he was nine years old.

Bird has grown up disavowing his mother and her poems; he doesn’t know her work or what happened to her, and he knows he shouldn’t wonder. But when he receives a mysterious letter containing only a cryptic drawing, he is drawn into a quest to find her. His journey will take him back to the many folktales she poured into his head as a child, through the ranks of an underground network of librarians, into the lives of the children who have been taken, and finally to New York City, where a new act of defiance may be the beginning of much-needed change.

Our Missing Hearts is an old story made new, of the ways supposedly civilized communities can ignore the most searing injustice. It’s a story about the power—and limitations—of art to create change, the lessons and legacies we pass on to our children, and how any of us can survive a broken world with our hearts intact.
Сара Эдисон Аллен 3.5
An enchanting tale filled with magical realism and moments of pure love that won’t let you go.

Between the real and the imaginary, there are stories that take flight in the most extraordinary ways.

Right off the coast of South Carolina, on Mallow Island, The Dellawisp sits—a stunning old cobblestone building shaped like a horseshoe, and named after the tiny turquoise birds who, alongside its human tenants, inhabit an air of magical secrecy.

When Zoey comes to claim her deceased mother’s apartment on an island outside of Charleston she meets her quirky and secretive neighbors, including a girl on the run, two estranged middle-aged sisters, a lonely chef, a legendary writer, and three ghosts. Each with their own story. Each with their own longings. Each whose ending isn’t yet written.
Шелби ван Пелт 4.3
После смерти мужа Това работает ночной уборщицей в океанариуме городка Соуэлл-Бэй, моет полы, полирует стекла и... беседует с морскими обитателями. Работа помогает Тове справляться с горем, которое с ней уже тридцать лет — с того дня, когда таинственно исчез ее восемнадцатилетний сын Эрик. В океанариуме есть особенный обитатель — немолодой гигантский осьминог по имени Марцелл, философ и наблюдатель. Марцелл настоящий интеллектуал, ему скучно в тесном аквариуме, и развлекается он, решая людские загадки. Но свой ум он тщательно скрывает — ото всех, кроме Товы. Марцелла интригует эта женщина, печальная и забавная. Однажды в городок приезжает незадачливый парень, который тоже пытается разгадать загадку — загадку своей жизни. И у Марцелла появляется еще одна цель.
Danya Kukafka 4.1
In the tradition of Long Bright River and The Mars Room, a gripping and atmospheric work of literary suspense that deconstructs the story of a serial killer on death row, told primarily through the eyes of the women in his life—from the bestselling author of Girl in Snow.

Ansel Packer is scheduled to die in twelve hours. He knows what he’s done, and now awaits execution, the same chilling fate he forced on those girls, years ago. But Ansel doesn’t want to die; he wants to be celebrated, understood. He hoped it wouldn’t end like this, not for him.

Through a kaleidoscope of women—a mother, a sister, a homicide detective—we learn the story of Ansel’s life. We meet his mother, Lavender, a seventeen-year-old girl pushed to desperation; Hazel, twin sister to Ansel’s wife, inseparable since birth, forced to watch helplessly as her sister’s relationship threatens to devour them all; and finally, Saffy, the homicide detective hot on his trail, who has devoted herself to bringing bad men to justice but struggles to see her own life clearly. As the clock ticks down, these three women sift through the choices that culminate in tragedy, exploring the rippling fissures that such destruction inevitably leaves in its wake.

Blending breathtaking suspense with astonishing empathy, Notes on an Execution presents a chilling portrait of womanhood as it simultaneously unravels the familiar narrative of the American serial killer, interrogating our system of justice and our cultural obsession with crime stories, asking readers to consider the false promise of looking for meaning in the psyches of violent men.
Коко Меллорс 4.1
For readers of Modern Lovers and Conversations with Friends, an addictive, humorous, and poignant debut novel about the shock waves caused by one couple's impulsive marriage.

Twenty-four-year-old British painter Cleo has escaped from England to New York and is still finding her place in the sleepless city when, a few months before her student visa ends, she meets Frank. Twenty years older and a self-made success, Frank's life is full of all the excesses Cleo's lacks. He offers her the chance to be happy, the freedom to paint, and the opportunity to apply for a Green Card. But their impulsive marriage irreversibly changes both their lives, and the lives of those close to them, in ways they never could've predicted.

Each compulsively readable chapter explores the lives of Cleo, Frank, and an unforgettable cast of their closest friends and family as they grow up and grow older. Whether it's Cleo's best friend struggling to embrace his gender queerness in the wake of Cleo's marriage, or Frank's financially dependent sister arranging sugar daddy dates to support herself after being cut off, or Cleo and Frank themselves as they discover the trials of marriage and mental illness, each character is as absorbing, and painfully relatable, as the last.

As hilarious as it is heartbreaking, entertaining as it is deeply moving, Cleopatra and Frankenstein marks the entry of a brilliant and bold new talent.
Barbara Kingsolver 4.5
"Anyone will tell you the born of this world are marked from the get-out, win or lose."

Set in the mountains of southern Appalachia, this is the story of a boy born to a teenaged single mother in a single-wide trailer, with no assets beyond his dead father's good looks and copper-colored hair, a caustic wit, and a fierce talent for survival. In a plot that never pauses for breath, relayed in his own unsparing voice, he braves the modern perils of foster care, child labor, derelict schools, athletic success, addiction, disastrous loves, and crushing losses. Through all of it, he reckons with his own invisibility in a popular culture where even the superheroes have abandoned rural people in favor of cities.

Many generations ago, Charles Dickens wrote David Copperfield from his experience as a survivor of institutional poverty and its damages to children in his society. Those problems have yet to be solved in ours. Dickens is not a prerequisite for readers of this novel, but he provided its inspiration. In transposing a Victorian epic novel to the contemporary American South, Barbara Kingsolver enlists Dickens' anger and compassion, and above all, his faith in the transformative powers of a good story. Demon Copperhead speaks for a new generation of lost boys, and all those born into beautiful, cursed places they can't imagine leaving behind.

Лучшая тайна и триллер

Нита Проуз 3.6

Собрано 78 403 голоса.

Молли Грей никогда в жизни не видела своих родителей. Воспитанная любящей и мудрой бабушкой, она работает горничной в отеле и считает это своим призванием, ведь наводить чистоту и порядок — ее подлинная страсть! А вот отношения с людьми у нее не слишком ладятся, поскольку Молли с детства была не такой, как все. Коллеги считают ее более чем странной, и у них есть на то основания. Так что в свои двадцать пять Молли одинока и в свободное от работы время то смотрит детективные сериалы, то собирает головоломки... Однако вскоре ее собственная жизнь превращается в детектив, в котором ей отведена роль главной подозреваемой, — убит постоялец отеля, богатый и могущественный мистер Блэк. Теперь Молли предстоит решить исключительно важную головоломку или закончить свои дни в тюрьме...
Элис Фини 3.7
Семья, которая много лет избегала друг друга. Бабушка, собравшая их в одном месте ради своего юбилея. Дом на острове, во время прилива отрезанный остальной земли на долгие восемь часов.

Что может пойти не так?

Ровно в полночь одного из членов семьи убивают. Через час -ещё одного. До конца прилива остаётся совсем немного. Всего несколько часов для того, чтобы понять, что за тайны скрывает каждый, и какая из них сейчас важнее всего.

Незабываемые повороты сюжета в лучших традициях Агаты Кристи в новом романе Элис Фини.
Люси Фоли 3.6
Джесс решает навестить своего брата Бена, надеясь, что каникулы в городе мечты помогут ей выбраться из передряг. Но, прибыв в Париж, она обнаруживает пустую квартиру: ее брат пропал. Джесс сразу подозревает неладное и, в надежде разобраться в случившемся, пытается свести знакомство с соседями Бена. Возможно, им что-то известно?

Но за закрытыми дверями таится слишком много секретов. Кажется, все поголовно что-то скрывают.

Этот дом как муравейник, разворошишь его, и тебе не поздоровится. Но, быть может, если разгадать, кому и какая отведена роль, удастся докопаться до правды.
Стейси Уиллингхэм 3.8
Отец Хлои Дэвис – серийный убийца. Ей было всего двенадцать, когда папа получил шесть пожизненных за убийство шести девочек – ее подруг. Именно Хлоя нашла главные доказательства его вины. Но тела жертв так и остались лежать где-то посреди луизианских болот.

Его преступления преследуют дочь зловещей тенью. Хлоя смогла по осколкам собрать свою разбитую жизнь. Теперь она уважаемый подростковый психолог и счастливая невеста. Впрочем, это не избавило ее саму от ПТСР и паранойи. Девушка все время ждет чего-то ужасного.

И теперь ее страхи воплотились в реальность. Через двадцать лет после отцовских убийств кошмарные события повторяются. Пропала девочка. Потом другая – ее пациентка. Может, это безумие – искать в новых исчезновениях отголоски прошлого? Или… Ей предстоит разоблачить изверга еще раз?
Ричард Осман 4.4
Нераскрытое дело десятилетней давности — звучит как вызов для Клуба убийств по четвергам! А если добавить, что исчезнувшую Бетани Уэйтс, восходящую звезду местного телевидения, так и не обнаружили, то получится загадка, мимо которой Элизабет, Джойс, Ибрагим и Рон просто не могут пройти.

Успешно начавшиеся поиски омрачает внезапное появление врага Элизабет, который ставит ей весьма строгий ультиматум: убить или быть убитой. Пока Элизабет борется со своей совестью (и пистолетом), остальные участники Клуба и их новые знакомые (включая телезвезду, специалиста по отмыванию денег и бывшего полковника КГБ) разгадывают новую тайну. Но успеет ли компания найти ответы и спасти Элизабет, до того как убийца нанесет роковой удар?
Deanna Raybourn 3.9
Older women often feel invisible, but sometimes that's their secret weapon.

They've spent their lives as the deadliest assassins in a clandestine international organization, but now that they're sixty years old, four women friends can't just retire - it's kill or be killed in this action-packed thriller.

Billie, Mary Alice, Helen, and Natalie have worked for the Museum, an elite network of assassins, for forty years. Now their talents are considered old-school and no one appreciates what they have to offer in an age that relies more on technology than people skills.

When the foursome is sent on an all-expenses paid vacation to mark their retirement, they are targeted by one of their own. Only the Board, the top-level members of the Museum, can order the termination of field agents, and the women realize they've been marked for death.

Now to get out alive they have to turn against their own organization, relying on experience and each other to get the job done, knowing that working together is the secret to their survival. They're about to teach the Board what it really means to be a woman--and a killer--of a certain age.
Gillian McAllister 3.8
Can you stop a murder after it’s already happened?

Late October. After midnight. You’re waiting up for your seventeen-year-old son. He’s late. As you watch from the window, he emerges, and you realize he isn’t alone: he’s walking toward a man, and he’s armed.

You can’t believe it when you see him do it: your funny, happy teenage son, he kills a stranger, right there on the street outside your house. You don’t know who. You don’t know why. You only know your son is now in custody. His future shattered.

That night you fall asleep in despair. All is lost. Until you wake... and it is yesterday.

And then you wake again... and it is the day before yesterday.

Every morning you wake up a day earlier, another day before the murder. With another chance to stop it. Somewhere in the past lies an answer. The trigger for this crime—and you don’t have a choice but to find it...
Ashley Flowers 3.6
In the propulsive debut novel from the host of the #1 true crime podcast "Crime Junkie," a journalist uncovers her hometown’s dark secrets when she becomes obsessed with the unsolved murder of her childhood neighbor—and the disappearance of another girl twenty years later.

Everyone from Wakarusa, Indiana, remembers the case of January Jacobs, who was found dead in a ditch hours after her family awoke to find her gone. Margot Davies was six at the time, the same age as January—and they were next-door neighbors. In the twenty years since, Margot has grown up, moved away, and become a big-city journalist, but she’s always been haunted by the fear that it could’ve been her. And the worst part is, January’s killer has never been brought to justice.

When Margot returns home to help care for her sick uncle, it feels like walking into a time capsule. Wakarusa is exactly how she remembered: genial, stifled, secretive. Then news breaks about five-year-old Natalie Clark from the next town over, who’s gone missing under eerily similar circumstances. With all the old feelings rushing back, Margot vows to find Natalie and solve January’s murder once and for all.

But the police, the family, the townspeople—they all seem to be hiding something. And the deeper Margot digs into Natalie’s disappearance, the more resistance she encounters, and the colder January’s case feels. Could the killer still be out there? Could it be the same person who kidnapped Natalie? And what will it cost to finally discover what truly happened that night?
Simone St. James 3.7
A true crime blogger gets more than she bargained for while interviewing the woman acquitted of two cold case slayings in this chilling new novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Sun Down Motel.

In 1977, Claire Lake, Oregon, was shaken by the Lady Killer Murders: Two men, seemingly randomly, were murdered with the same gun, with strange notes left behind. Beth Greer was the perfect suspect--a rich, eccentric twenty-three-year-old woman, seen fleeing one of the crimes. But she was acquitted, and she retreated to the isolation of her mansion.

Oregon, 2017. Shea Collins is a receptionist, but by night, she runs a true crime website, the Book of Cold Cases--a passion fueled by the attempted abduction she escaped as a child. When she meets Beth by chance, Shea asks her for an interview. To Shea's surprise, Beth says yes.

They meet regularly at Beth's mansion, though Shea is never comfortable there. Items move when she's not looking, and she could swear she's seen a girl outside the window. The allure of learning the truth about the case from the smart, charming Beth is too much to resist, but even as they grow closer, Shea senses something isn't right. Is she making friends with a manipulative murderer, or are there other dangers lurking in the darkness of the Greer house?
Рут Уэйр 3.5
The #1 New York Times bestselling author of One by One returns with an unputdownable mystery following a woman on the search for answers a decade after her friend’s murder.

April Coutts-Cliveden was the first person Hannah Jones met at Oxford.

Vivacious, bright, occasionally vicious, and the ultimate It girl, she quickly pulled Hannah into her dazzling orbit. Together, they developed a group of devoted and inseparable friends—Will, Hugh, Ryan, and Emily—during their first term. By the end of the second, April was dead.

Now, a decade later, Hannah and Will are expecting their first child, and the man convicted of killing April, former Oxford porter John Neville, has died in prison. Relieved to have finally put the past behind her, Hannah’s world is rocked when a young journalist comes knocking and presents new evidence that Neville may have been innocent. As Hannah reconnects with old friends and delves deeper into the mystery of April’s death, she realizes that the friends she thought she knew all have something to hide…including a murder.
Фрида Макфадден 4.1
“Welcome to the family,” Nina Winchester says as I shake her elegant, manicured hand. I smile politely, gazing around the marble hallway. Working here is my last chance to start fresh. I can pretend to be whoever I like. But I’ll soon learn that the Winchesters’ secrets are far more dangerous than my own…

Лучшая историческая проза

Taylor Jenkins Reid 4.5

Собрано 100 745 голосов.

Carrie Soto is fierce, and her determination to win at any cost has not made her popular.

By the time Carrie retires from tennis, she is the best player the world has ever seen. She has shattered every record and claimed twenty Slam titles. And if you ask her, she is entitled to every one. She sacrificed nearly everything to become the best, with her father as her coach.

But six years after her retirement, Carrie finds herself sitting in the stands of the 1994 US Open, watching her record be taken from her by a brutal, stunning, British player named Nicki Chan.

At thirty-seven years old, Carrie makes the monumental decision to come out of retirement and be coached by her father for one last year in an attempt to reclaim her record. Even if the sports media says that they never liked the 'Battle-Axe' anyway. Even if her body doesn't move as fast as it did. And even if it means swallowing her pride to train with a man she once almost opened her heart to: Bowe Huntley. Like her, he has something to prove before he gives up the game forever.

In spite of it all: Carrie Soto is back, for one epic final season. In this riveting and unforgettable novel, Taylor Jenkins Reid tells a story about the cost of greatness and a legendary athlete attempting a comeback.
Шармейн Уилкерсон 3.8
В детстве Байрон и Бенни были неразлучны, однако, повзрослев, брат и сестра не только отдалились друг от друга, но и вообще перестали общаться. Впервые за восемь лет они встречаются на похоронах Элинор, их матери, которая вместе с завещанием оставила им в наследство испеченный ею черный торт, символизирующий в их семье счастье и любовь, — оставила в надежде, что Байрон и Бенни сумеют преодолеть разногласия и восстановить былую дружбу. А еще — аудиозапись, так как повзрослевшие дети должны наконец узнать скрываемую много лет правду о своей семье, о своем происхождении и о том, что у них есть сестра... Дебютный роман Шармейн Уилкерсон — это эмоционально и красиво написанный рассказ о семье, жизнь которой навсегда изменилась в результате выбора, сделанного Элинор в юности.
Ким Мишель Ричардсон 5.0
An Instant New York Times and USA Today Bestseller

Bestselling historical fiction author Kim Michele Richardson is back with the perfect book club read following Honey Mary Angeline Lovett, the daughter of the beloved Troublesome book woman, who must fight for her own independence with the help of the women who guide her and the books that set her free.

In the ruggedness of the beautiful Kentucky mountains, Honey Lovett has always known that the old ways can make a hard life harder. As the daughter of the famed blue-skinned, Troublesome Creek packhorse librarian, Honey and her family have been hiding from the law all her life. But when her mother and father are imprisoned, Honey realizes she must fight to stay free, or risk being sent away for good.

Picking up her mother’s old packhorse library route, Honey begins to deliver books to the remote hollers of Appalachia. Honey is looking to prove that she doesn’t need anyone telling her how to survive, but the route can be treacherous, and some folks aren’t as keen to let a woman pave her own way. If Honey wants to bring the freedom that books provide to the families who need it most, she’s going to have to fight for her place, and along the way, learn that the extraordinary women who run the hills and hollers can make all the difference in the world.
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